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New Covenant Church

Led By The Spirit

Led By The Spirit

Join us next week online at 9:30 CT at, or at one of our four in-person services: 9:30AM or 11:15AM at our South Campus and North Campus.

Locations & Times

New Covenant Church - South Campus

5621 Farm to Market Rd 2087, Longview, TX 75603, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:15 AM

The Way was a movement. Movements move. Action oriented.
The book of Acts where the church was birthed…is a book of movement. Of literal acts.
Ruwach or Pneuma - Wind or breath - God’s Breath - The Holy Spirit

The coming of the Holy Spirit signified the birth of the church. Whatever God breathes on - comes to life.

The Holy Spirit GIVES LIFE to the church.

Genesis 2 - Breath of God breathed into Man - Became living. Breathed Life
Without the Spirit, we are like an ARMY with no life (Ezekiel 37 valley of dry bones)
The church is dead without the Spirit.
Without the Spirit, we are like a sailboat with no wind - No power. No direction.

3 things the Holy Spirit does in the church and our lives.

1. He FILLS us.

God wants to fill our church and our homes and our lives with His presence. His Spirit.Without the Holy Spirit we run on empty.When the Holy Spirit fill us…we don't get burned out. We aren't dry or empty.
Jesus is living water IN us, the Holy Spirit is living water flowing THROUGH us.

2. He LEADS us.

Leading insinuates movement. The proof of life is movement. Dead things don't move.

You can see it all through Acts how the Holy Spirit led and moved people.

• Acts 8 Philip was moved down a desert road to reach an Ethiopian - then transported.
• Acts 10 the Spirit moved Peter from a dream to Cornelius to share the gospel with gentiles
• Acts 13 Paul and Barnabas were moved at Antioch and then sent to Cyprus for a mission
• Acts 16 Holy Spirit didn’t permit Paul to go to Asia to preach, moved him to Macedonia
The Spirit leads and guides us. Are you being moved in your life toward ministry?
Is the Holy Spirit moving us to action and leading and directing our steps?

He speaks to the church to lead the church - Revelation 2:29 - 29 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’

3. He EMPOWERS us.

Acts 1:8 - You will receive POWER - Dunamis - Dynamite. Explosive power for life.
The Holy Spirit gives us power to LIVE our faith.

We need the power of the Holy Spirit to make a difference on this earth.
Otherwise we look for it elsewhere - People, position, ourselves.

The Spirit empowers the church with inspiration, boldness, gifts.

The world isn’t waiting on a church program, they are waiting on a church empowered by the Holy Spirit to rise up and move in that power and bring life to a hurting world.

How do we respond? The same way the disciples did in the early church.

Wait on the Holy Spirit - Don’t rush through life. - Spend time with God waiting for power
Surrender to the Holy Spirit - Surrender our plans, our life, our schedules. Following His lead.
Rely on the Holy Spirit - Rely on his power and strength not ours.


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