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StoneBridge Community Church

Revealed - God at Work: "Six Stone Jars" - John 2:1-11

Revealed - God at Work: "Six Stone Jars" - John 2:1-11

Senior Pastor Jon Saur

Locations & Times

StoneBridge Community Church

4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA

Saturday 5:00 PM

Saturday 6:00 PM

Online Connection Card

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In "Revealed: God at Work" we will be looking to the signs that Jesus performs in the Gospel of John. "Signs" are more than just miracles - they point to deeper truths about God's work in the world and what the eternal life that God offers us looks like. Join us, so that you can see God's work in your life more clearly!

The Text In Context

"...this miracle is a lot like some of my jokes—most people in attendance just didn’t 'get it.'”
An idea worth pondering, considering it is Jesus' first sign.

The Stone Jars

The Stone Jars at the Wedding at Cana are connected to Jewish purification rituals. This article explains a bit about these jars, what we know about them, what they would have been made of and possible ideas for their significance.

Pictures of the Jars

Here's a link to the search results for images of the Stone Jars, so you can see what they probably looked like.
"Signs" in the Bible

New Testament scholar Marianne Meye Thompson writes about "signs" in the Old Testament and what they signified, so that we can better understand the context of Jesus' "signs." Thompson writes:

The term "'Signs,' often linked with 'wonders,' occurs frequently in the Old Testament to refer to plagues and others acts accompanying God's deliverance of Israel from Egypt. But many other things are also called 'signs': the rainbow; circumcision; the lamb's blood on the doorposts; the Sabbath; the words of God to be bound on one's hand, forehead and doorposts; the birth of a child; the fertility of crops in the land; and heavenly portents. Such things are "signs" because they are indicators of God's work in the world. Whether extraordinary (portents in the heaven) or ordinary (the slaying of the lamb; the circumcision of a baby), these things are 'signs' because they are not ends in themselves; signs function primarily to point to to God's work."

1. Have you noticed the six stone jars in the story of Jesus turning water into wine before? What did you think of them?

2. Jesus uses the six stone jars in an unexpected way. Can you think of an example when you, or someone you knew, used something in a way it wasn't intended to be used?

3. Think about your life. What in your life is lying dormant or have you not paid much attention to, that you used to pay attention to?

4. How might Jesus use whatever you thought of question 3 in a new and unexpected way?

5. How might Jesus be preparing to use StoneBridge in a new and unexpected way?

1. Do you have a toy that you haven't used for awhile? What is it?

2. Have you ever used a random object as a toy, even though it wasn't intended to be used as a toy? What was it?

3. Similar to the toy(s) you've mentioned above, God can sometimes use things we haven't paid attention to in awhile in ways we didn't expect. What might God be able to use in your life to bless you and others in this way?

Wedding in Cana

Wedding in Cana

Our next Outdoor Worship Service is Saturday, April 17th @ 5:30pm. Kids & Youth programming available. Click below to register your family!


With the exciting news of moving to weekly worship services and offering an indoor service on Sunday mornings, there will be a children’s and youth parent meeting on Wednesday, April 14th @ 7pm. Join Children's Director Ms. Stephanie and Youth Director Olivia Moceri to talk about the programming available for both Saturday nights and Sunday mornings. Email to RSVP.


Our Nominating Committee will be meeting soon to nominate our next class of Deacons and Elders (class of 2024). If you are interested in serving StoneBridge in this capacity, please visit our website below to learn more about what it means to be a Deacon or Elder and fill out an application. Applications are due April 19th.

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