Brookside Church
Psalm 23 | Would God Accept Me?
Join us Sunday at 9:30 or 11a for in-person Gatherings. If you desire to stay home join us at 9:30a for our live online worship experience on YouTube or Church Online
Locations & Times
Brookside Church | Fort Wayne
6102 Evard Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46835, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Support Solid Rock Staff
Building Jesus Center Homes in the Dominican Republic - Brookside partners with Solid Rock International to reach communities in the Dominican Republic through a facilitating a medical health clinic, child nutrition programs, student sponsorships, school donations, and Dominican Staff Support of these programs. As May is Solid Rock International Dominican Staff appreciation month, we invite our church family to extend appreciation to the Dominican Staff who work in leadership roles within the various programs supported by Solid Rock International. These staff members are responsible for directly overseeing and ensuring quality care within each program. A great way to extend appreciation is to financially give to these invaluable individuals in order to provide them with a salary for their work. Mark “SRI” on your financial gifts toward Solid Rock International (SRI) to support the Dominican Staff. Brookside Church
Tithes & Offerings: Your financial support of Brookside Church extends your worship of Him who first provides all that we have. Mortgage to Ministry: This initiative, over and above regular giving, is to pay off our existing mortgage within the next three years. Indicate “Mortgage to Ministry” on your contributions to this initiative.
Memorize 2 Corinthians 10:5
Giving Totals: May 16, 2021
Weekly Budget: $28,500 Weekly Actual: $20,502 Year to date budgeted: $570,000 Year to date actual: $528,669 Mortgage to Ministry: Pledged: $500,021 Received: $324,972