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New Covenant Church

I Failed God

I Failed God

Join us next week online at 9:30 CT at, or at one of our three in-person services: 9:30AM or 11:15AM at our South Campus, or at 9:30AM at our North Campus.

Locations & Times

New Covenant Church - South Campus

5621 Farm to Market Rd 2087, Longview, TX 75603, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:15 AM

Everyone can relate to Peter at some point because Peter did some dumb stuff that we look at and laugh about today…but probably would have done as well.
I’ll never...famous last words. I said I’d never move back to Longview, never be pastor etc.

How do you respond in circles where Jesus isn’t popular? - What do you do at work? What do you do at school?

How to comeback when you feel like you failed God

1. Repent

v 62 He went and wept bitterly. Mark says He broke down and wept. - Repentance.

2. Return to Mission

After a failure you return to something...the question is what will you return to?
Peter went back to familiar. We find him after Jesus’ death going back to fishing

3 times he denied Jesus… 3 times Jesus asked if he loved him - Jesus was helping Peter return to mission...he was also providing a way to release the past.

3. Release the past

He erases our failures.One of the greatest ways to release the past is to realize Jesus knew you would fail and loves you anyway. Jesus KNEW you would fail and still made provision for you.
Not IF you fail but WHEN. He knew it before and he prayed for him to be strong through it.

Yeah I know you failed me...but I’m letting you know. I love you. I want to see you. I’m not done with you. He called out Peter...the failure.

4. Refocus on the future

Your past does not dictate your future. Realize that your failure is not final.
Proverbs 24:16 - 16 for the righteousfalls seven times and rises again

The measure of a person isn’t how many times they fail, but how many times they get back up.

Peter would go on to preach an incredible message at the birth of the church, which is what we will look at after Easter, and 3000 people got saved and baptized.

The same guy who denied Jesus 3 times now led 3000 people to Jesus.

Who is waiting on your comeback?


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