Valley Church

The Perfect Moment for the Good News
We look forward to worshipping with you today!
Locations & Times
Valley Church
4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 10:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Welcome to Valley!
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.
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2. Take each NEXT STEP as God OPENS DOORS.
2a. Realize that people are SEEKING ANSWERS.
2b. Eagerly follow the SPIRIT'S PROMPTINGS.
2c. Meet people WHERE THEY ARE.
2d. When there is interest, take TACTFUL INITIATIVE.
2e. LISTEN carefully.
2f. Open the WORD.
2g. Talk about the GOOD NEWS of Jesus.
3. EXPECT GOD to move in people’s HEARTS.
3a. Many people are more READY than we REALIZE.
3b. You are in people's lives for a SEASON to bring JOY.
3c. NEVER STOP reaching out.
2. Take each NEXT STEP as God OPENS DOORS.
3. EXPECT GOD to move in people's HEARTS.
2. Take each NEXT STEP as God OPENS DOORS.
3. EXPECT GOD to move in people's HEARTS.
Discussion Questions
1. When you think of a good listener, who comes to mind?
2. What stood out to you in Quintin‘s message or in the passage?
3. Do you identify more with the Ethiopian spiritual explorer or with Philip, the one who shared the good news? Why?
4. Quintin talked about being available for God’s direction, taking the next step as God opens doors, and expecting God to open hearts. Of these, which one is more challenging for you? Encouraging?
5. What is one practical step you could take for the One Life (friend, family, coworker, neighbor) God has placed in your path?
6. Is there anyone you could invite to our Easter celebration and/or to the launch of Alpha?
2. What stood out to you in Quintin‘s message or in the passage?
3. Do you identify more with the Ethiopian spiritual explorer or with Philip, the one who shared the good news? Why?
4. Quintin talked about being available for God’s direction, taking the next step as God opens doors, and expecting God to open hearts. Of these, which one is more challenging for you? Encouraging?
5. What is one practical step you could take for the One Life (friend, family, coworker, neighbor) God has placed in your path?
6. Is there anyone you could invite to our Easter celebration and/or to the launch of Alpha?