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Oakwood Community Church

One Church, One Mission - Acts 15:30-41

One Church, One Mission - Acts 15:30-41

Locations & Times

Oakwood Community Church

11209 Casey Rd, Tampa, FL 33618, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Pop Quiz

1. How many churches are in Tampa Bay? _____

2. Our mission is to reach:

A) Carrollwood; B) Tampa Bay; C) the World
Pop Quiz

1. How many churches are in Tampa Bay? 1

2. Our mission is to reach:

A) Carrollwood; B) Tampa Bay; C) the World
Three Transformations:

• From Church Growth to Gospel Saturation

• From Collection to Mobilization

• From Competition to Collaboration
From Church Growth to Gospel Saturation

• The growth of our church is important but insufficient

“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’” Acts 13:2
From Church Growth to Gospel Saturation

• Our mission is to reach the city and the world!

“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
From Church Growth to Gospel Saturation

• Our mission is to reach the city and the world!

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
Matthew 24:14
From Collection to Mobilization

“Paul and Barnabas and some of the others were appointed… sent on their way by the church.” Acts 15:2-3
From Collection to Mobilization

• We should share our people and resources like a healthy family

“Some men came down… and were teaching the brothers… Paul and Barnabas… brought great joy to all the brothers.” Acts 15:1,3
From Collection to Mobilization

• We should share our people and resources like a healthy family

“The brothers, both the apostles and the elders, to the brothers who are of the Gentiles in Antioch…” Acts 15:23

The Church gathers people FROM the city so we can send them back out as salt and light INTO the city.

From Competition to Collaboration

“So when they were sent off, they went down to Antioch… After they had spent some time, they were sent off in peace by the brothers to those who had sent them.”
Acts 15:30,33
From Competition to Collaboration

“Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and departed, having been commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord.”
Acts 15:39-40
From Competition to Collaboration

• We should work together like a unified team

“Barnabas took Mark... but Paul chose Silas and departed, having been commended by the brothers...” Acts 15:39-40