First UMC

Downtown Worship, March 21, 2021
The Great Intercessor
Locations & Times
First United Methodist Church of Lexington - Downtown
200 W High St, Lexington, KY 40507, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Three roles that Jesus fills:
Prophet (from God to people),
King (shepherd people),
Priest (from people to God)
“You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.”
Hebrews 5:6b NRSV
Melchizedek (Genesis 14, Psalm 110, Hebrews 5-7)
1. Canaanite king-priest who met Abraham after a war
2. Name means righteous
3. From Salem which means peace
4. Forever priest because there is no mention of lineage before or after
Three roles of a priest
Atonement for sin (offer sacrifices)
Blessing of congregation
Intercession (the go-between, networker, liaison)
Long history of intercession
Abraham for people in Sodom (Genesis 18)
Moses for Israelites (Exodus 33)
Stephen for his executioners (Acts 7)
Jesus for his executioners (Luke 23:34)
So what does Jesus do all day?
1. Sits at the right hand of the Father
2. Prays our prayers through the Holy Spirit (Romans 8)
3. Prays for us (John 17)
Prophet (from God to people),
King (shepherd people),
Priest (from people to God)
“You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.”
Hebrews 5:6b NRSV
Melchizedek (Genesis 14, Psalm 110, Hebrews 5-7)
1. Canaanite king-priest who met Abraham after a war
2. Name means righteous
3. From Salem which means peace
4. Forever priest because there is no mention of lineage before or after
Three roles of a priest
Atonement for sin (offer sacrifices)
Blessing of congregation
Intercession (the go-between, networker, liaison)
Long history of intercession
Abraham for people in Sodom (Genesis 18)
Moses for Israelites (Exodus 33)
Stephen for his executioners (Acts 7)
Jesus for his executioners (Luke 23:34)
So what does Jesus do all day?
1. Sits at the right hand of the Father
2. Prays our prayers through the Holy Spirit (Romans 8)
3. Prays for us (John 17)
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