Fellowship Bible Church - Mullica, Hill N.J.

Servant King: Handling Cultural Controversy in a God-Honoring Way
Our Vision: Together, strengthening you to change your world for Christ.
Locations & Times
Fellowship Bible Church
590 Jackson Rd, Sewell, NJ 08080, USA
Thursday 8:25 AM

Scroll to the bottom to see the notes for today's sermon.

Handling Cultural Controversy in a God-Honoring Way
What were the political overtones?
What were the religious overtones?
- Rabbi Shammai: restrictive view of divorce
- Rabbi Hillel: non-restrictive view of divorce
- Rabbi Shammai: restrictive view of divorce
- Rabbi Hillel: non-restrictive view of divorce
In handling cultural controversy in a God-honoring way...
- You need to be prepared to gracefully talk about controversial issues (10:2)
- You need to be prepared to gracefully talk about controversial issues (10:2)
Jesus took their selfishness and turned it into a platform to share Biblical truth.
We need to be prepared to take the issues of today and use them to advance the cause of Christ.
- Not my cause.
- Not my opinions.
- Not my beliefs.
- But the cause of Christ.
- Not my cause.
- Not my opinions.
- Not my beliefs.
- But the cause of Christ.
· They embrace foolish, ignorant controversies and dissensions.
· They breed quarrels.
· They stir up division.
· They spread false teaching.
· They’re occupied with myths.
· They promote useless speculations.
· They are conceited and lack understanding.
· They have unhealthy interest in controversies and verbal disputes.
· Their perspectives give rise to envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions and constant bickering.
· We’re not quarrelsome.
· We’re kind to everyone.
· We’re able to share truth from the Scripture.
· We patiently endure evil.
· We’re willing to warn people that live this way.
· We correct our opponents with gentleness.
· We’re kind to everyone.
· We’re able to share truth from the Scripture.
· We patiently endure evil.
· We’re willing to warn people that live this way.
· We correct our opponents with gentleness.
Are you prepared to talk about issues, but in love? This is a sign of spiritual maturity.
In handling cultural controversy in a God-honoring way...
You need to run life's circumstances through the contextual grid of Scripture (10:7-8)
You need to run life's circumstances through the contextual grid of Scripture (10:7-8)
Jesus takes them to the Word of God - not the opinions of the Rabbi's Hillel or Shammai.
In the flesh we are constantly trying to validate our opinions with people's opinions, instead of what the Word of God says.
We must run our circumstances through the contextual grid of Scripture!
The Scriptures are the primary source of our thinking, philosophy, our opinions - not your favorite news program, not your favorite website, not your favorite YouTuber...the Scripture.
What you:
- listen to
- spend your time doing
- saturate yourself with
...eventually becomes who you are and what you are known for.
- listen to
- spend your time doing
- saturate yourself with
...eventually becomes who you are and what you are known for.
What do you want to be known for?
Someone who is consumed with the issues of this life, and here and there makes disciples of Christ.
Someone who is consumed with making disciples of Christ and is knowledgeable of the issues of this life?
Someone who is consumed with the issues of this life, and here and there makes disciples of Christ.
Someone who is consumed with making disciples of Christ and is knowledgeable of the issues of this life?
In handling cultural controversy in a God-honoring way...
You need to be willing to realign your views with God's (10:10)
You need to be willing to realign your views with God's (10:10)
A different perspective never means we toss love.
A different perspective never means we toss love.
Does your perspective that is different from mine mean we can't have coffee together?
Does your perspective that is different from mine mean we can't have coffee together?
In Handling Cultural Controversy in a God-Honoring Way:
You need to be prepared to gracefully talk about controversial issues (10:2)
You need to run life circumstances through the contextual grid of Scripture (10:7-8)
You need to be willing to realign your views with God's (Mark 10:10, Matthew 19:10)
You need to be prepared to gracefully talk about controversial issues (10:2)
You need to run life circumstances through the contextual grid of Scripture (10:7-8)
You need to be willing to realign your views with God's (Mark 10:10, Matthew 19:10)