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StoneBridge Community Church

Divine Appointments - "Peter"

Divine Appointments - "Peter"

Senior Pastor Jon Saur

Locations & Times

StoneBridge Community Church

4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA

Saturday 5:00 PM

Saturday 6:00 PM

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In the "Divine Appointments" sermon series, Jesus' interactions with different characters in the Gospel of John will be examined, so that we can recognize how Jesus interacts with us in our lives.

The Text In Context

This... exchange (in Jn 21:15-19) between the risen Lord Jesus and Peter represents Peter’s public restoration to his apostolic ministry. On the day Jesus arose, the angel at the empty tomb told the women (Mark 16:7), “But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see Him, just as He told you.’” Those words, “and Peter,” would have rang in Peter’s ears and lifted his depressed spirit after his miserable denials of his Lord... Peter would have asked the women, “Did the angel say, ‘and Peter’?” It assured him that the Lord had not rejected him because of his failure. That same day, Jesus met privately with Peter to reassure him and restore him personally (Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5). But now (in Jn 21) the risen Lord restores Peter to his apostolic office in front of these other six disciples.Note to Growth Group leaders -As you read this commentary, keep the following question in mind for possible discussion...Agree/disagree: While shepherding God’s flock is primarily the job of pastors and elders, all believers should be involved in the task. Practically, how does this take place?
Who was Peter?

Peter was one of Jesus' closest disciples and one of the most prominent early church leaders in the Book of Acts. His name was originally "Simon," but Jesus renamed him "Cephas," or "Peter." His name means "rock" or "stone".

More than any other character besides Jesus, Peter's personality comes through in the gospels. He was enthusiastic, brash, and spoke before thinking. He was also devoted to Jesus. In Matthew, Mark and Luke, it is Peter who first confesses Jesus as the Christ. In the Gospel of John, Peter is the first to recognize that Jesus has the "words of eternal life."

In Jesus' greatest hour of need, having been arrested and tortured, Peter famously denied knowing Jesus three times. Peter wass outside waiting to see what would happen with Jesus and was asked three times if he knew Jesus. All three times, he vehemently denied knowing Jesus. These denials were why Jesus restored Peter.

Matthew, Mark and Luke don't tell us about Jesus restoring Peter but, the Gospel of John emphasizes the restoration of Peter. Peter's restoration takes place in the final scene of John's gospel.
Restoration in the Bible

The word "restoration" can mean "to bring something back to a former condition." It can also mean, "to bring something to an improved condition". Think of a painting being restored. Often, it isn't just returned to its previous condition but instead, is improved and enlightened. Or, think of those who restore automobiles.

One of God's core desires is to restore creation. The theme of "restoration" is very prominent throughout the Bible. Below are a few Bible verses that highlight God's restoration.
Quote on Restoration

Presbyterian pastor Tim Keller sums up the Biblical idea of restoration well when he writes, "But resurrection is not just consolation - it is restoration. We get it all back - the love, the loved ones, the goods, the beauties of this life - but in new, unimaginable degrees of glory and joy and strength."

1. How do you define the word "restoration?" What images or processes come to mind when you think of restoration?

2. What has God already restored in your life? Or, what have you witnessed God restore in someone else's life?

3. What are you still hoping God will restore? What are some areas of your life that are still unresolved and in need of God's restoration?

4. Do you have any hopes or expectations for how God might restore our world after this pandemic? What are they?

1. What does it mean to "restore" something?

2. Is there something in your life, or in the world, you think should be restored? If so, what is it?

3. Spend some time praying, asking that Jesus will restore what needs to be restored in your life or in the world.

Divine Restoration // Step Into Your Divine Role

Divine Restoration // Step Into Your Divine Role

Holy Week Schedule: 3/27: Simi-wide Photo Scavenger Hunt; 3/28: Palm Sunday Outdoor Worship Service; 4/2: Good Friday Outdoor Worship Service; 4/4: Easter Outdoor Worship Services


On Saturday, March 27th @ 4pm, kick off spring break with a made for all ages, fast-paced, scavenger hunt. Drive around Simi Valley and complete challenges as a family, with a team of friends, or make it a date night! The event starts and ends, socially distanced, in the StoneBridge parking lot. Register by emailing


StoneBridge Podcast! StoneBridge has launched an all-new Podcast. The new podcast is specifically designed for worshipping on the go. Each episode contains scripture, the current week’s message, and two worship songs, all wrapped up in 30 minutes that will elevate your day! When searching for our podcast, look for the graphic seen above.

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