LifePointe Christian Church
PRINCIPLES - Principles of Generosity - Week 3
Speaker: Chris Delfs, Senior Pastor
Locations & Times
LifePointe Christian Church
10291 E Stockton Blvd, Elk Grove, CA 95624, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 11:30 AM
1. We Praise You - Bethel
2. Stand In Your Love - Bethel
3. God Of Revival - Bethel
View all the words to the songs by clicking here:
1. We Praise You - Bethel
2. Stand In Your Love - Bethel
3. God Of Revival - Bethel
View all the words to the songs by clicking here:
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Everyone gives
Everyone is not generous
Generosity is not random acts of giving
The financially generous give more, save more, and consume less
The life ordered around generosity is happier (Acts 20:35)
What we do with our money dictates where our hearts are and go (Matthew 6:21)
Generosity: Premeditated, calculated, designated
Obstacle to generosity: Thinking and behavior as a consumer and not a generous person
Consumer mindset: “If it comes to me, then it is for me"
Result of consumer living: Debt and no financial margin
How much more money would it take to break the habit of spending more than you make?
Answer: More money than you will get at one time
Not an income issue but a self-control issue
How much more money would it take to break the habit of using debt to get what you want now?
A contentment issue, not a money issue
How much more money would it take to create financial margin and live within your means?
A discipline issue
How much more money would it take to erase financial concerns and stop worrying about money?
Worry not a money issue but a spiritual issue
Consumption assumption: If it comes to me, it is for me
Those with the consumption assumption are greedy (Luke 12:15)
The greedy still give
Transform from being a consumer to an extravagantly generous Jesus follower
Who will get what you prepared for yourself? SOMEBODY ELSE
“This” refers to total loss
Generous people don't assume all is for them to consume
Generous mindset: All I have is not for me
Generosity: Premeditated, calculated, designated
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