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Palmyra Grace Church

Sunday, February 21

Sunday, February 21

In "Jesus Instead of Me," we will look at the final days, hours, and minutes of Jesus' life prior to the cross. These stories are told in such a way that we see that the lengths God was willing to go to show His love for the world. Jesus instead of ME is the Gospel in four words, and our study and reflection of these stories will grow our gratitude for what Jesus did, and how we are called to live and love in response.

Locations & Times

799 Airport Rd, Palmyra, PA 17078, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM


The woman saw...


Grace Group Questions

Week 1: Anointed for Me
Big Idea: Every act of Love costs something.

1. What is the most expensive gift you have ever given someone? How does gift-giving make you feel? Why do you often give gifts - what is your motivation?

2. Bible Study:
The of the anointing at Bethany occurs in three of the four gospels; Take time to re-read Sunday’s passage in Matthew 26:6-13; as well as Mark 14:3-9; and John 12:2-9.
● Are any words or thoughts repeated in all three readings?
● What other similarities do you see?
● What are the differences?
● What does this story teach you about you?
● What does this story teach you about the gospel?

3. Take some time to reflect upon the “instead of’s” found in this week’s message?

The religious leaders saw Jesus as a THREAT instead of the MESSIAH.
In what ways have you tried to have a relationship with Jesus on your terms rather than His?

The disciples saw a WASTE instead of the WOMAN.
Are you quick to judge people’s way of following Jesus, their spiritual growth, or their way of worshipping Jesus that’s different from your own? How can we see the beauty in each person’s personal relationship with GOD?

Jesus saw love instead of extravagance.
In what ways could Jesus be calling you to take a step of faith toward showing your love to Him in an extravagant way over the next 40 days?

Mary saw Jesus instead of ME.
How did this message encourage and challenge your walk with Jesus, how does it invite you to change the way you “see” Him?

4. Every Act of Love costs something. How have you observed this truth in your life? What act of love “costs” you the most; taking a step of faith for Jesus when you could fail or look foolish, forgiving someone who wronged you, giving mercy to someone who doesn’t deserve it, paying a debt for someone, buying a present, loving your neighbor (literally), loving your enemy or someone who disagrees with you politically/religiously?

5. Is the Holy Spirit prompting you toward an act of love as a result of this message?

• Invite your group to reflect in prayer for a few minutes over what you discussed.
• Have someone close your time by praying for your group.

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