First UMC

Downtown Worship, February 21, 2021
Approaching the Cross
Locations & Times
First United Methodist Church of Lexington - Downtown
200 W High St, Lexington, KY 40507, USA
Sunday 11:00 AM
The center of the good news is a cross upon which the son of God, a man named Jesus, died. And it is often talked about as a God's love.
Love has a lot of meanings these days:
I love snow and ice - said no one ever - after the first few inches.
I love the sun shine and warmth
I love being productive.
love my job.
I love when the story all works out happily ever after.
I love __________ fill in the blank based on your situation (friend, spouse, kids, parents)
I love the cross?
Flogging until inches of your death. Walk of shame through streets carrying the instrument of your destruction. Out of town in a public place, usually near a well-traveled road, you would march and carry your cross. Upon reaching your final destination you would either be tied or nailed to the cross bar and left to hang until you drown in your own bodily fluids. I would be a messed up person to say I loved any of that...and yet...this was exactly how God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit showed us what love looks like.
The cross of Christ shows true love which -
1) Takes life seriously.
2) Presence counts
3) Victory by unconventional means
4) Practices humility
God's love says I can
God's love says I will.
Capable and compassionate.
These are the two things upon which rests all of our hope. This is the type of love God showed, and gave on the cross.
Love has a lot of meanings these days:
I love snow and ice - said no one ever - after the first few inches.
I love the sun shine and warmth
I love being productive.
love my job.
I love when the story all works out happily ever after.
I love __________ fill in the blank based on your situation (friend, spouse, kids, parents)
I love the cross?
Flogging until inches of your death. Walk of shame through streets carrying the instrument of your destruction. Out of town in a public place, usually near a well-traveled road, you would march and carry your cross. Upon reaching your final destination you would either be tied or nailed to the cross bar and left to hang until you drown in your own bodily fluids. I would be a messed up person to say I loved any of that...and yet...this was exactly how God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit showed us what love looks like.
The cross of Christ shows true love which -
1) Takes life seriously.
2) Presence counts
3) Victory by unconventional means
4) Practices humility
God's love says I can
God's love says I will.
Capable and compassionate.
These are the two things upon which rests all of our hope. This is the type of love God showed, and gave on the cross.
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