Fellowship Bible Church - Mullica, Hill N.J.

Servant King: Mark 1:16-45
Our Vision: Together, strengthening you to change your world for Christ.
Locations & Times
Fellowship Bible Church
590 Jackson Rd, Sewell, NJ 08080, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM

Scroll to the bottom to see the notes for today's sermon.

Today: Mark 1:16-45
Mark 10:43-45
43 But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
43 But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
•The INVITATION of Jesus (1:16-20)
•The AUTHORITY of Jesus (1:21-28)
•The PRIORITIES of Jesus (1:29-39)
•The MERCY of Jesus (1:40-45)
•The AUTHORITY of Jesus (1:21-28)
•The PRIORITIES of Jesus (1:29-39)
•The MERCY of Jesus (1:40-45)
The INVITATION of Jesus (1:16-20)
•Jesus’ invitation is open to all (1:17, 19)
We often assume that Jesus’ disciples were great men of faith from the first time they met Jesus. But they had to grow in their faith just as all believers do. (The Life Application Bible)
•Jesus invitation includes a promise (1:17)
Only through Jesus can you become all that you were meant to be.
•Jesus’ invitation is accepted by faith (1:18, 20)
While we know the end of our story, we do not know the path our journey will take.
•Jesus’ invitation is open to all (1:17, 19)
We often assume that Jesus’ disciples were great men of faith from the first time they met Jesus. But they had to grow in their faith just as all believers do. (The Life Application Bible)
•Jesus invitation includes a promise (1:17)
Only through Jesus can you become all that you were meant to be.
•Jesus’ invitation is accepted by faith (1:18, 20)
While we know the end of our story, we do not know the path our journey will take.
The AUTHORITY of Jesus (1:21-28)
•Jesus’ authority was revealed in his teaching (1:21-22)
Jesus was decisive in the meaning of Scripture and direct in his application to life.
•Jesus’ authority was anchored in his identity (1:23-28)
It is a remarkable thing that the forces of darkness recognized him, yet the very ones he came to save did not.
•Jesus’ authority was revealed in his teaching (1:21-22)
Jesus was decisive in the meaning of Scripture and direct in his application to life.
•Jesus’ authority was anchored in his identity (1:23-28)
It is a remarkable thing that the forces of darkness recognized him, yet the very ones he came to save did not.
The PRIORITIES of Jesus (1:29-39)
•Jesus didn’t procrastinate on urgent needs (1:29-31)
We are not yet living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand--and melting like a snowflake...” - Sir Francis Bacon
•Jesus was tireless with apparent unending needs (1:32-34)
•Jesus saw prayer as the means to determine which needs took priority
•Jesus didn’t procrastinate on urgent needs (1:29-31)
We are not yet living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand--and melting like a snowflake...” - Sir Francis Bacon
•Jesus was tireless with apparent unending needs (1:32-34)
•Jesus saw prayer as the means to determine which needs took priority
The MERCY of Jesus (1:40-45)
•In his mercy, Jesus drew the needy (1:40)
•In his mercy, Jesus chose to get involved (1:41)
•In his mercy, Jesus understood the risks that were involved (1:45)
•In his mercy, Jesus drew the needy (1:40)
•In his mercy, Jesus chose to get involved (1:41)
•In his mercy, Jesus understood the risks that were involved (1:45)