Sale City Baptist Church

Worship Hour 01/24
Sunday School -- suspended currently Morning Worship -- 10 am during pandemic - in-person worship] Worship online will continue after morning service
Locations & Times
Sale City Bapbtist Church
239 S Barnes St, Sale City, GA 31784, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Weekly updates & Prayer List Church Contacts: Pastor - Tim Bozeman 881-9287 // January's Deacon - David Blackwell -- 229-357-0460 THE DATES
Lottie Moon Offering - $865.00 Thank you for your gift!
Active Military Personnel
Drew Norton, Blake Hunt, Cody Coker, Jacob Mulholland, Steven Williams, Tommy Fussell, Chaplin in South Korea, Zachary Crosby, Adam Crosby, Will Snipes, Chaplin @ South Korea
Hunger and Thirst - The Way to Happiness
Matthew 5:6
I. The Things They Suggest
II. The Lessons They Teach
III. The Desires They Create
IV. The Satisfaction They Obtain
Personal Growth & Next Steps
What are highlights and questions from the message?
How or where did Jesus show up in your life this week?
How did you or will you respond?
What are highlights and questions from the message?
How or where did Jesus show up in your life this week?
How did you or will you respond?
How are you pouring into people and how are people pouring into you?
How are you pouring into people and how are people pouring into you?
How are you serving and who are you inviting?
How are you serving and who are you inviting?
My next step is______________
My next step is______________
Sale City Baptist online!
Like us on FB Check in at SCBC on FB Use #scbc1905 on your posts related to church activityInstagram: @salecitybaptistchurchTwitter: @scbc1905 Webpage:
https://www.salecitybaptistchurch.orgSermon List
Catch up or revisit past sermons on our website. Link
Get the Sharefaith app!
Download the Sharefaith app for Andriod or iOS Your ministry: enter Sale City Baptist ChurchIcon: My ministry
If you accept the alerts questions, you will get notices of posts on the site.
Text to Give. 229-280-3977. ‘Give button on app or website is now available.
First time givers are asked to register their account. the Sharefaith app for Andriod or iOS Your ministry: enter Sale City Baptist ChurchIcon: My ministry
If you accept the alerts questions, you will get notices of posts on the site.
Text to Give. 229-280-3977. ‘Give button on app or website is now available.
First time givers are asked to register their account.
Prayer Cloud
Send your prayer requests to the pastor.