Oxford Assembly of God
Making Your Obstacles Into Stepping Stones | Pastor Derrel Strickland
The Sunday Morning Message for January 24, 2021, 10am. Photo by Matt Walsh on Unsplash
Locations & Times
Oxford Assembly of God
12114 US-301, Oxford, FL 34484, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
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https://oag.churchMaking Your Obstacles Into Stepping Stones
Our God is an omniscient God. That means He is all knowing. If we believe that, we must believe that He understands everything we are going through and He has made a way for us. If He knows, then we can trust Him to turn our obstacles or stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
Our God is an omniscient God. That means He is all knowing. If we believe that, we must believe that He understands everything we are going through and He has made a way for us. If He knows, then we can trust Him to turn our obstacles or stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
The entire story of Joseph is found in Genesis chapters 37-50.
Discussion Questions:
Share with us your thoughts on how one of our strong points can become an obstacle.
Have you ever felt forgotten? How did that feel?
Share with us a testimony of how God has turned an obstacle into a stepping stone or a mess into a message.
Share with us your thoughts on how one of our strong points can become an obstacle.
Have you ever felt forgotten? How did that feel?
Share with us a testimony of how God has turned an obstacle into a stepping stone or a mess into a message.