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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Locations & Times

Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

I Kings 19:9-18
Disappointed With God

1. EXPECTATION………….PERFORMANCE the distance between
2. Have you ever been disappointed with God?
3. In I Kings 19:9-18 Elijah is disappointed with God. He had given his all, but nothing had
turned out as he expected. Elijah and we must learn: God will work things out in His
way and in His time, but very seldom as we expect.

Have you ever been disappointed with God? Lessons in Love:
A. Disappointment 9-10
1. The Cave 9a40 days…He has had time to think. Elijah found a cove in Horeb. You
can always find a cave if you are disappointed with God.
2. The Care 9b God speaks, “What are you doing here?”
*In a cave…discouraged…depressed…disappointed…feeling sorry for yourself.
*God knows exactly where you are. Lost without Christ: “What are you doing
here?” Saved…you are hanging with the wrong people…you are going to the wrong
places. “What are you doing here?”
3. The Comeback 10Elijah says, “I’m glad you asked!” Just let me tell You. He is
disappointed with God!
*Disillusioned:“I have been very jealous for the Lord of hosts.” After all he has
‘put out’ for the Lord. After all I have done…“Where have You been?” I have
witnessed. I carry my Bible. I have my devotions. I seldom miss a service. I’ve
carried out my side: “God, I’m disappointed in the way You are handling Your
end.” Elijah wanted results…NOW! He thought fire could fall on Jezebel and Israel
would turn around!
*Discouraged: He had so many grand hopes for Israel. He had put out so much!
Israel has forsaken thy covenant…thrown down thy altar…slain thy prophets.
“Well, what are You going to do about it?” Discouraged: “God, can’t you see the
way things are?” Elijah hadn’t seen the fruit he expected. He wanted to see results!
He thought that everything depended on him. He thought all was lost! We can be like
Elijah. “God, can’t you see?” Injustice…Conditions…Circumstances…how hard I
try…how much I put out?
*Depressed: “I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.”
Pessimism…Negativism distorts reality. Never look at circumstances without the
backdrop of the cross. Obadiah (the king’s servant) hid 100 priests in a cave from
Jezebel. SELF centered…Pity Party…“Poor me” Elijah wanted God’s judgment to
fall now!
B. Demonstration 11, 12
1. What Power “Go stand on the Mount before the Lord.”
*Earthquake…wind…fire What a sight! “That’s what I’m talking about!” “Ya,
that’s what I want!”
*But (a problem) God was not in the wind! But (a problem) God was not in the
earthquake! But (a problem) God was not in the fire!
2. What Peace After the fire a still small whisper
*The earthquake, wind, and fire can demonstrate and destroy, but only the still,
gentle voice of the Holy Spirit can get to hearts.
*We want the dramatic, the spectacular…this speaks to our flesh! Elijah needed to
learn that God moves in quiet, unnoticed, silent ways. Most never see Him at work!
*In the process of salvation God works a little here and a little there. So it is with
spiritual growth: there is no short cut to maturity!

Are you disappointed with God? Lessons in Love:
A.Disappointment 13, 14
1.Repeat 13 we get the same song, the second verse.
*In v. 13 Elijah must have either not come out of the cave in v. 11 or he didn’t
obey. After the quiet whisper Elijah covers his face and comes out.
*Again, the same question…again word for word the same answer.
*God doesn’t always get through to us the first time!
2. Reply 14
*Elijah is disappointed…disillusioned…depressed.
*If the pain is deep enough it sometimes takes awhile to soak in!
B. Declaration 15-18
It doesn’t mean that judgment will not fall!
1.God’s Plan God says, “Let Me do it My way.” “I’ll take care of Jezebel, Ahab and Israel.”
2.God’s People 3 are mentioned: Hazael he was a foreign enemy (Syria) Jehu was the king over Israel. Elisha Elisha will be anointed in the near future.
3.God’s Providence 17 God is also a God of wrath. There is a Hell! Through these three…launched by Elijah who would eventually wield a sword against Israel, Jezebel and Ahab.
4.God’s Perspective 18 One other thing, Elijah you are not the only one…there are 7000 who have not bowed their knee to Baal!
*In Time…God’s time he may make things clear. The promises of God are certain, but they may not mature in 90 days.
*Many Things About Tomorrow…God not only takes care of today. He will take care of tomorrow.
*In Spite of Appearance…God is always at work. 7000 the majority is usually wrong!
*We so often want to see things NOW. We put ourselves in bondage. God’s word took care of Elijah’s disappointment. God is so patient with us slow learners. GET TO KNOW HIM BETTER.

Have you ever been disappointed with God?
I have early in my Christian walk,
but not so much as I have grown and gotten older.

We doubt His love, because we don’t know Him.


Listen to that still small voice!!

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