Central Assembly

1 Corinthians & 21st Century Living - Spiritual Gifts
Pastor Jim Bradford | November 3, 2019
Locations & Times
Central Assembly
1301 N Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Theologically . . .
* The empowering of the Spirit
* The serving of the Son
* The working of the Father
* The empowering of the Spirit
* The serving of the Son
* The working of the Father
Practically . . .
Practically . . .
Perceiving Gifts
1. Word of knowledge
2. Word of wisdom
3. Distinguishing between spirits
Power Gifts
1. Faith
2. Healing
3. Miraculous power
Proclamation Gifts
1. Prophecy
2. Speaking in tongues
3. Interpretation of tongues
Perceiving Gifts
1. Word of knowledge
2. Word of wisdom
3. Distinguishing between spirits
Power Gifts
1. Faith
2. Healing
3. Miraculous power
Proclamation Gifts
1. Prophecy
2. Speaking in tongues
3. Interpretation of tongues
Motivationally . . .
Motivationally . . .
* Lord, help me to love people
* Lord, help me to love people
Motivationally . . .
* Lord, use my in your gifts
* Lord, use my in your gifts