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Christ Covenant Church

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting - Week 1

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting - Week 1

You’re invited to join us as we corporately pray and fast for 21 days in January. We will be seeking God’s presence, wisdom, and favor upon your life and the ministry of Christ Covenant Church.

Locations & Times

Christ Covenant Church

16725 Longenbaugh Dr, Houston, TX 77095, USA

Monday 10:00 AM


S - Scripture
Open your Bible to your reading for the day. Take time reading and allow God to speak to you. When you are done, look for a verse that particularly spoke to you that day, and write it in your journal.

O - Observation
What struck you and caught your attention in what you read? What do you think God is saying to you in this scripture? Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal Jesus to you. Paraphrase and write this scripture down in your own words.

A - Application
Personalize what you have read by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, a new promise, or correction for a particular area of your life. Write how this scripture can apply to you today.

P - Prayer
This can be as simple as asking God to help you use this scripture, or even a prayer for a greater insight on what He may be revealing to you. Remember, prayer is a two-way conversation, so be sure to listen to what God has to say! Now, write it out.


Everyone needs grace to overcome life’s hurdles. First Peter is the book of strengthening grace and triumphant hope. There is an abundance of hopeful grace found within the verses of this book to set you free. You are a victorious over-comer, and God’s grace is our fuel to empower our hearts to soar!

The book of 1 Peter was written by the apostle Peter. He was one of Jesus’ disciples during His earthly ministry, and was raised up to be the leader of the apostles once Jesus ascended to Heaven.

The recipients of 1 Peter are identified in 1:1. Peter wrote to the “exiles dispersed abroad in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.” These
were Roman provinces located in the northern part of what is now modern Turkey. Written about AD 62 from ”Babylon” (a cryptic term for Rome), Peter longed to encourage and strengthen the faith of those who were being persecuted for following Christ. Most of these Christians had once lived in Rome, but were forced to “disperse” into the suburbs due to escalating persecution. This hostility came to a head when Emperor Nero ordered Rome set ablaze and blamed it on the Christians. This backdrop of intensely violent, and oftentimes deadly, persecution and alienation sets the scene for the major themes in the letter.
Monday, January 4
Tuesday, January 5
Wednesday, January 6
Thursday, January 7
Friday, January 8
Saturday, January 9

Dawn is Coming
Choose today to rest and reflect. The image of a night sky before the sunrise speaks of the tension between present darkness and future hope. As Christians, we live in the “already, but not yet”; the space between; the darkness before the dawn.

In this space, it is so easy for us to lose hope, and the Christians Peter wrote this letter to knew that feeling front to back. Their houses were burned, their friends were being killed, and their reputation was all but disintegrated. Knowing this, Peter didn’t try to rally them with ‘three ways to keep your chin up.’ Instead, he reminded them of their inheritance (1:4). He reminded them that, like fire tested the purity of gold, their faith was being tested and purified in the fires of difficulty.

No matter what you’re up against today, whether raging fire or deepest darkness, remember that Jesus died to secure for you the sunrise of salvation. Eyes up, dawn is coming.