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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

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Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Luke 2:1-7; Matthew 2
Jesus Came To A Real World With Real Problems

1. Perhaps you know of someone who is really going through it.
2. The Christmas story is full of warm fuzzies and we forget that Jesus came into a real world
with real problems (Luke 2:1-7; Matthew 2).

Did you know that Jesus came into a real world with real problems?
A. The Roman Empire crushed Israel and Mary and Joseph under its heel. They were not
free. The government was BIG, relentless and ruthless. There were 30 to 50 million
slaves that made up the Roman Empire.
B. Three names rise to the surface of the Matthew 2 and Luke 2 passages. These were real
historical people, reminding us that Jesus was a real, historical figure:
1.Caesar Augustus Caesar was his family name. Augustus is significant…that was his title. In 27 B.C. …what title should I assume?
*Dictator…No, that suggests a temporary office.
*King…No, that title was too common, and did not have enough significance.
*Augustus Meeting with the Senate Caesar suggested…Augustus from Augur: “a religious sanction”. Augustus means, ‘holy, revered’. He took a step toward the deification of the Supreme Ruler of the Roman Empire. Up to that time the name was reserved exclusively for the gods. In fact, at the time Luke was writing those words some Greek cities adopted September 25 (Caesar’s birthday) as the 1st day of the new year. Hailing him as Savior!
An inscription at Halicarnassus even called him: Savior of the World.
John Buchan records when Caesar Augustus died men actually, “comforted themselves reflecting that Augustus was a god, and that gods do not die.” Luke wants us to understand the background for the real Savior!
2.Quirinius or Cyrenius A decree, registration or census was given when Quirinius was governor of Syria. It was to access taxes and discover eligibility for military service. A census was taken every 14 years. The first enrollment (registration) is an illusion to a series of censuses by Caesar Augustus. In Egypt, actual census records have been discovered from 20 A.D. to 270 A.D. These were every 14 years. Go back 14 years to 6 A.D. back 14 more years 8 B.C. (1st census).
*It is interesting, the decree went out in 8 B.C. Herod the Great refused to enact it. Two years went by (why wait???) in 6 B.C. the decree reached Palestine…just when Jesus was about to come into the world!
*Some use to think that Cyrenius did not become governor until 6 A.D. It has been discovered that Cyrenius was twice governor of Syria…the first was 9-6 B.C.!!
3.Herod the Great (Matt. 2:1) Herod was now in his early 70s. Julius Caesar had appointed his father (Antipater) to be governor of Judea. Antipater then managed to have his son, Herod, appointed perfect of Galilee. In 40 B.C. Herod went to Rome and was declared by Octavian and Anthony (with the approval of the Roman Senate) to be King of the Jews. He invaded Palestine and drove out the Parthians and established his kingdom.
*Herod was not a Jew, but married Mariamne, a Jewess, to make himself more acceptable. He was a clever and capable diplomat. In times of economic hardship, he gave back tax money. In 25 B.C. during a great famine he melted down various gold objects around the palace to feed the poor.
*In 19 B.C. he built the port city of Caesarea. He built Masada, where in 73 A.D. nearly 1000 Jewish defenders committed suicide rather than be captured by Flavius Silvas. He built theaters, a race track and structures for entertainment.
*Herod was ruthless. He was incredibly jealous. He had Aristobullus (high priest and his brother-in-law) drowned. He had his wife Miramne killed…then her mother and two of his own sons. Five days before his death in 4 B.C. he had a 3rd son executed. At the same time he has the most prominent citizens of Jerusalem imprisoned. The orders were given that all prisoners should be executed at his death…in order to guarantee there would be mourning at his death in Jerusalem.
*Jesus was born in 6 B.C. Feeling threatened by Herod who had all the baby boys 2 and under
killed (2:16) Jesus and his family fled to Egypt. After the death of Herod in 4 B.C. Jesus returns
to Nazereth (2:15).

Did you know that Jesus came to a real world with real problems?
Where was Jesus born? We all were born and live somewhere. Three places are initially mentioned:
A. Bethlehem It was a small village of 400 to 600 people. It was foretold in (Micah 5:2) that
Bethlehem, though she be small among thousands, from her shall come forth a ruler of Israel.
*There was no room for them in the inn. Inn is the same word for upper room (Luke 22:12) The room below was a place for animals and the body heat would help keep the place warm. The birthplace (an enclosure of animals), the smells were real. The would be king was born in a place where animals were kept.
B. Egypt Because of the threat from Herod to kill all baby boys 2 and under Joseph, Mary
and baby Jesus fled to Egypt. Such hardship…inconvenience…dangers…all were to be
the history of this babe (king of the Jews) born in an enclosure for animals.
C. Nazareth The population was 400 to 1200 and some say 200. This is Jesus’ home town! His
‘hometown’ was a soldiers’ town. He would have been exposed to the swearing, drunkenness,
immorality and violence of a ‘soldiers’ town’. It was later said, “Can any good come out of

Did you know that Jesus came to a real world with real problems?
A.He was adopted. He was the foster son of Joseph.
B.He grew up with a negative stigma of an illegitimate child.
C.He wasn’t a peasant, but he wasn’t rich. He knew what it was like to do without.

Did you know that Jesus came to a real world with real problems?
And the child grew and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was
upon Him. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. (Lk. 2:40,52)
A. His Childhood
1.Someone changed his diaper. He had to learn to walk and talk. He fell down. He bumped His head. He cried.
2.He grew…Jesus had at least 8 in his family. Matthew names his brothers: James, Joses, Simon, Judas and adds And his sisters (plural) are they not all with us? (Matt 8:55, 56)
* Living in a small house, living in close quarters with sinful boys and girls. He would have shared rooms…bathrooms…toys…clothes.
*They did not believe on Him until after the resurrection!
*He became stronger as he climbed the mountains around His house.
3. In a Jewish village there would be a school called “The House of the Book” The child
would begin school at the age of 6. These were religious schools. The teachers were rulers of
the Synagogue. For 5 years the child would memorize the Old Testament. Josephus (a Jewish
historian at the time of Christ) said the Jew knew the Law better than His own name.
4. At the age of 12 the scholar became “Son of the Law” and was robed in the garment of a man.
B.His Youth…Early Adulthood
1.Jesus’ profession was that of a carpenter. Is not this the carpenter? (Matt. 6:3) For 18 years from 12 years of age to 30 Jesus was a carpenter. All Jewish boys were required to learn a trade.
2.Jesus knew what it was to be an apprentice. A carpenter would plane the wood. He would work raw lumber into suitable boards. He would have physical strength. He would have callous hands. He knew what it was to work 12 hour days. He learned the trade and how to run a business. He knew what it was to have dissatisfied customers and he had to deal with the public.
3.His recorded journeys: he traveled on foot at least 2500 miles.
C.He Knew the Pains of Life
1.Sometime between 12 years of age and 30 his father died. He was left the family business and a widowed mother.
2.He was rejected by his brothers. He knew of upheaval in the family.
3.Jesus knew what it was to be alone. He knows what it is to be rejected.

Jesus came to a real world with real problems.
No one understands! Jesus does: He is an high priest who can be touched with the feelings of our infirmities. He was tested in all points like as we are yet without sin.
(Heb. 4:15)


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