The Journey Church
Discussion & Reflection from our current series
Locations & Times
  • The Journey Church
    5660 Quarterline Rd, Muskegon, MI 49444, USA
    Sunday 9:30 AM, Sunday 11:00 AM
RECAP: My guess is that in your life there have been times where God has felt far away. For many of us, there have also been times when God has seemed near. But no matter what you have felt, 2000 years ago Jesus came to be near to us. No matter what you’ve experienced, walked through, or how many times you’ve run from God, the birth of Jesus showed a God who made a way for you to be connected to Him. He’s not distant, He actually understands and His arms are open wide for each one of us!
1.What was your favorite tv show as a kid? Why?
2.When was a time where God felt far away from you? How about a time when God felt really near to you?
3.Read Hebrews 4:14-16. What’s the difference between a “Priest” and Jesus as the “Great High Priest”? What do these verses say about the way we connect with God? Do we have to go through a priest?
4.When we approach God (“this throne of grace”) what do those verses in Hebrews 4 tell us we receive? What do you think it means for your life to receive that at “your time of need”?
5.Read these verses: Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9-10, Psalm 145:18. What do these tell us about coming near to God and what we need to do to have a relationship with Him?
6.Paul Tillich says that “faith” is the “courage to accept acceptance”. Is something holding you back from truly accepting His forgiveness and grace for you? If there is, name it. Write it down. And then ask this question – Is God not big enough to handle that for you?
7.The facts of the Bible show us that God is near, not far from us. You may not be feeling that, but what can you do this week to live in this TRUTH?

PRAYER: If you’ve never begun a relationship with Jesus before and experienced His forgiveness and grace and mercy to help you in your time of need, would you have the “courage to accept acceptance” today? Here’s a prayer you can pray to begin that relationship.
“Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to this earth to be near to us. Thank you that Jesus understands what I am going through. Thank you that you aren’t far, even though it has felt that way. I want to accept your acceptance of me. I confess my sins to you. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead. I want to follow you, I want you to lead me. I need you in my time of need. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Check out our Growth Pathway on our website & click on Follow Jesus.  Then . . . take a step.  Let us know if you said that prayer and we’ll help you get started in your relationship with Jesus.


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