Dover Assembly of God

11.22.2020 | Nehemiah - Week 2
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. Bulletin
November 22, 2020
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship Time
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
Women's Christmas Dinner
This year’s dinner will be held here at the church. We will have it catered by Olive Garden. We are asking for a $5.00 donation to cover the cost of the food. Please bring a Christmas Stocking filled with at least $10.00 worth of items for our gift exchange. If the cost is a hardship, please see Anna. We want every lady to attend our celebration of the birth of our savior! Please sign up in the upper foyer.
Our current Women of Purpose Committee is: Anna Bender, Diane Crumrine, Deborah Dobbins, Lee Jones & Judy Landis!
Men's Christmas Dinner
The men will be going to Outback on Thursday, Dec 3 for an evening of good fellowship, conversation and for celebrating our savior’s birth! We’d love all the men to be a part of that night. Please sign up in the lower foyer.
To Tom & Darlene Osborn on the birth of their new great-grandson, Logan. Weighing in at 7 lbs, 7 oz. Proud mom is Alyssa Vauk (Tom & Darlene’s granddaughter)
New Hope Christmas Gifts
Thanks to everyone who donated towards our Christmas Project this year. There is still time to drop of any Christmas gifts for New Hope Ministries. Deadline for donations is Nov 30. We are taking them to New Hope on Monday, Dec 1.
We have had some requests to order some new Dover Assembly hoodies. If you would like one, please sign up in the lower foyer. Price is $17.95 each (2XL & 3XL is $3.50 additional). Zipper hoodies are $22.95 (2XL & 3XL is $4.50 additional).
Attic Cleaning
Our attic has once again become full of items that we no longer need. We need to clean and remove all the unnecessary items so that we are able to find and use the necessary items. If you are able to give up a few hours, please see Pastor Jeff.
Free Tables
If you would like one of our old 4x8 tables that we used to use downstairs, please see Pastor Jeff. We have replaced all of them with the lighter white plastic tables. They are in great shape and we don’t want them to just waste away.
Annual Business Meeting
As we prepare for our annual church business meeting on Sun., Jan. 17, one of the items we will be covering is voting for Deacon Board members. The process at Dover Assembly for the election of our Deacon members is to encourage our voting members to submit names of other voting members whom they prayerfully feel would best serve our church and our Lord, Jesus Christ. We have reached the last year of our modified election process.
This year we have 1 member (Gil Tunney) who has reached the limit of (2) 3 year terms and must sit out for one year. Therefore we will need to elect 2 new members to bring our total to 6 board members this year (the number required by our By Laws which completes the modified process).
There are nominating forms at the Information Center. Please write the names of those who you would like to nominate, sign it and place them in the ballot box. We will only consider names of nominees from this ballot box. If you do not put the signed ballot in this secured box, the ballot will not be valid for consideration. Our nominating committee will review all nominees to determine if all constitutional requirements are met by that candidate.
The eligible nominees will be contacted and asked to pray over acceptance or rejection of the nomination. The names of those who accept the nomination are then presented to the church body three (3) weeks prior to the annual business meeting. Nomination ballots will be accepted until Sunday, Dec 6.
We would like to bless some of our families this Thanksgiving and Christmas season. If you would like to donate to our church’s benevolence fund, please use the envelopes in the chair pocket in front of you, mark “benevolence” on it and place it in the offering plates near the exit doors.
~ Gladys J.
~ Beulah S.
~ Rose K.
~ Cindy D. (Angel’s mom)
~ Betty N.
~ Marian T.
Nov. 25 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service; all departments meet in sanctuary
Nov. 26 ~ Thanksgiving Day
Dec 3 ~ Men’s Christmas Dinner
Dec. 11 ~ WOP Christmas Dinner, to be held at the church @ 6:00 p.m.
Dec. 12 ~ Adult Choir & R.O.C.K. Kids Christmas Carol Rehearsal, 9:00am – Noon, Lunch provided
Dec. 13 ~ Adult Choir & R.O.C.K. Kids Christmas Carols
Dec. 23 ~ NO Service
Dec. 24 ~ Christmas Eve Service, Candlelight Service
Dec. 25 ~ Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus!
Dec. 30 ~ No New Year’s Eve service
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship Time
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
Women's Christmas Dinner
This year’s dinner will be held here at the church. We will have it catered by Olive Garden. We are asking for a $5.00 donation to cover the cost of the food. Please bring a Christmas Stocking filled with at least $10.00 worth of items for our gift exchange. If the cost is a hardship, please see Anna. We want every lady to attend our celebration of the birth of our savior! Please sign up in the upper foyer.
Our current Women of Purpose Committee is: Anna Bender, Diane Crumrine, Deborah Dobbins, Lee Jones & Judy Landis!
Men's Christmas Dinner
The men will be going to Outback on Thursday, Dec 3 for an evening of good fellowship, conversation and for celebrating our savior’s birth! We’d love all the men to be a part of that night. Please sign up in the lower foyer.
To Tom & Darlene Osborn on the birth of their new great-grandson, Logan. Weighing in at 7 lbs, 7 oz. Proud mom is Alyssa Vauk (Tom & Darlene’s granddaughter)
New Hope Christmas Gifts
Thanks to everyone who donated towards our Christmas Project this year. There is still time to drop of any Christmas gifts for New Hope Ministries. Deadline for donations is Nov 30. We are taking them to New Hope on Monday, Dec 1.
We have had some requests to order some new Dover Assembly hoodies. If you would like one, please sign up in the lower foyer. Price is $17.95 each (2XL & 3XL is $3.50 additional). Zipper hoodies are $22.95 (2XL & 3XL is $4.50 additional).
Attic Cleaning
Our attic has once again become full of items that we no longer need. We need to clean and remove all the unnecessary items so that we are able to find and use the necessary items. If you are able to give up a few hours, please see Pastor Jeff.
Free Tables
If you would like one of our old 4x8 tables that we used to use downstairs, please see Pastor Jeff. We have replaced all of them with the lighter white plastic tables. They are in great shape and we don’t want them to just waste away.
Annual Business Meeting
As we prepare for our annual church business meeting on Sun., Jan. 17, one of the items we will be covering is voting for Deacon Board members. The process at Dover Assembly for the election of our Deacon members is to encourage our voting members to submit names of other voting members whom they prayerfully feel would best serve our church and our Lord, Jesus Christ. We have reached the last year of our modified election process.
This year we have 1 member (Gil Tunney) who has reached the limit of (2) 3 year terms and must sit out for one year. Therefore we will need to elect 2 new members to bring our total to 6 board members this year (the number required by our By Laws which completes the modified process).
There are nominating forms at the Information Center. Please write the names of those who you would like to nominate, sign it and place them in the ballot box. We will only consider names of nominees from this ballot box. If you do not put the signed ballot in this secured box, the ballot will not be valid for consideration. Our nominating committee will review all nominees to determine if all constitutional requirements are met by that candidate.
The eligible nominees will be contacted and asked to pray over acceptance or rejection of the nomination. The names of those who accept the nomination are then presented to the church body three (3) weeks prior to the annual business meeting. Nomination ballots will be accepted until Sunday, Dec 6.
We would like to bless some of our families this Thanksgiving and Christmas season. If you would like to donate to our church’s benevolence fund, please use the envelopes in the chair pocket in front of you, mark “benevolence” on it and place it in the offering plates near the exit doors.
~ Gladys J.
~ Beulah S.
~ Rose K.
~ Cindy D. (Angel’s mom)
~ Betty N.
~ Marian T.
Nov. 25 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service; all departments meet in sanctuary
Nov. 26 ~ Thanksgiving Day
Dec 3 ~ Men’s Christmas Dinner
Dec. 11 ~ WOP Christmas Dinner, to be held at the church @ 6:00 p.m.
Dec. 12 ~ Adult Choir & R.O.C.K. Kids Christmas Carol Rehearsal, 9:00am – Noon, Lunch provided
Dec. 13 ~ Adult Choir & R.O.C.K. Kids Christmas Carols
Dec. 23 ~ NO Service
Dec. 24 ~ Christmas Eve Service, Candlelight Service
Dec. 25 ~ Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus!
Dec. 30 ~ No New Year’s Eve service
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Week 2 - November 22, 2020 - Pastor Jeff Bender
We started our new series last week on the life and times of Nehemiah.
Let's recap:
This was probably the last chronological book of the Old Testament.
The captivity was over, some Jews went back to Jerusalem, but they had not been able to rebuild or repair the walls and gates.
God had a divine appointment for Nehemiah as his brother came with the news that there was no walls, therefore no protection for the Jews.
Nehemiah cared enough to start praying about it and was willing to be the one who was sent to help them rebuild.
He spent time praying about it because it would have to be a God-thing if he could go and if he could succeed.
Let's recap:
This was probably the last chronological book of the Old Testament.
The captivity was over, some Jews went back to Jerusalem, but they had not been able to rebuild or repair the walls and gates.
God had a divine appointment for Nehemiah as his brother came with the news that there was no walls, therefore no protection for the Jews.
Nehemiah cared enough to start praying about it and was willing to be the one who was sent to help them rebuild.
He spent time praying about it because it would have to be a God-thing if he could go and if he could succeed.
Nehemiah was just going about his daily routine. Nothing special, no advance warning. Just being where God needed him to be.
God can work in your daily routine.
The month of Nisan was approximately our April.
God can work in your daily routine.
The month of Nisan was approximately our April.
Kislev is approximately November-December.
If he first heard about it in the late fall, it is now several months later.
Sometimes when we feel the call of God or have a burden, there is a time of waiting for God to act.
Faith sometimes requires us to wait until it is God’s timing.
God’s timing never seems to correspond to our timing.
We should always be patient and wait for God’s direction.
God allows and wants us to wait because during the waiting, we develop patience.
Not only would Nehemiah need patience, he would also need perseverance.
If he first heard about it in the late fall, it is now several months later.
Sometimes when we feel the call of God or have a burden, there is a time of waiting for God to act.
Faith sometimes requires us to wait until it is God’s timing.
God’s timing never seems to correspond to our timing.
We should always be patient and wait for God’s direction.
God allows and wants us to wait because during the waiting, we develop patience.
Not only would Nehemiah need patience, he would also need perseverance.
Nehemiah had to wait and develop patience in order to be in a place to hear from God and to see what God was doing to enable it.
Just because God makes us wait, doesn’t mean we heard wrong or that God changed His mind.
God wants us to grow and mature us and as we’ll see, we use that waiting time to prepare.
We’ll see in a minute that God didn’t speak audibly to Nehemiah.
Nehemiah was doing his thing, but always alert to what God may be doing in the background.
How often do we see opportunities that may be disguised as normal conversation or circumstances?
Things that God is arranging for us to take advantage of and at that moment, to step out in faith?
Just because God makes us wait, doesn’t mean we heard wrong or that God changed His mind.
God wants us to grow and mature us and as we’ll see, we use that waiting time to prepare.
We’ll see in a minute that God didn’t speak audibly to Nehemiah.
Nehemiah was doing his thing, but always alert to what God may be doing in the background.
How often do we see opportunities that may be disguised as normal conversation or circumstances?
Things that God is arranging for us to take advantage of and at that moment, to step out in faith?
Nehemiah was not the only cupbearer. He would have been one of a number of men picked for that job.
The NIV gets it right. The other translations say “the”, but the original Hebrew doesn’t have that word. It should read: “I was A cupbearer"
So this day was Nehemiah’s scheduled day.
What are the odds that the king is that mood on that particular day?
God can work in anyone’s schedule to accomplish what he wants.
We don’t always have to radically alter what we do, for God to be able to use us.
Nehemiah also didn’t just stop working and wait for God to do something.
Nehemiah kept up his normal routine while he waited on God.
The NIV gets it right. The other translations say “the”, but the original Hebrew doesn’t have that word. It should read: “I was A cupbearer"
So this day was Nehemiah’s scheduled day.
What are the odds that the king is that mood on that particular day?
God can work in anyone’s schedule to accomplish what he wants.
We don’t always have to radically alter what we do, for God to be able to use us.
Nehemiah also didn’t just stop working and wait for God to do something.
Nehemiah kept up his normal routine while he waited on God.
His role as a cupbearer also required him to be upbeat at all costs. Kings and rulers did not want anyone hanging around that bring unhappiness.
One commentary said that in order to keep the king happy and to not do anything that would change his mood; this position required the cupbearer to walk with his hand over his mouth so as not to defile the king smell with his breath.
They were to keep a cheerful disposition regardless of their personal life.
And up till now, Nehemiah was able to do that. But after this long, it began to weigh on him.
This was also a potentially dangerous thing to do. Kings were always on the lookout for any type of coup’. Or rebellion. Any nervous looks on their staff could mean trouble and the king would just take action.
So the king opens the door for Nehemiah to start talking.
You never know when something in your countenance or conversation my trigger a question or a God-ordained opportunity, that is in effect an open door to step out in faith.
We often times pray for God to open a door for us to walk thru. But how often does that door open that we don’t walk thru?
Now is where the rubber meets the road for Nehemiah.
One commentary said that in order to keep the king happy and to not do anything that would change his mood; this position required the cupbearer to walk with his hand over his mouth so as not to defile the king smell with his breath.
They were to keep a cheerful disposition regardless of their personal life.
And up till now, Nehemiah was able to do that. But after this long, it began to weigh on him.
This was also a potentially dangerous thing to do. Kings were always on the lookout for any type of coup’. Or rebellion. Any nervous looks on their staff could mean trouble and the king would just take action.
So the king opens the door for Nehemiah to start talking.
You never know when something in your countenance or conversation my trigger a question or a God-ordained opportunity, that is in effect an open door to step out in faith.
We often times pray for God to open a door for us to walk thru. But how often does that door open that we don’t walk thru?
Now is where the rubber meets the road for Nehemiah.
It doesn’t say why he was afraid, only that he was. It could have been for many reasons. He’s probably afraid of what the king could do to him. One out of context statement could result in his death.
If the king was having a bad day and didn’t want more discouragement, the last thing he wanted to hear is what Nehemiah was going to tell him.
How often are we afraid of what someone else might say their reaction or the consequences of walking thru the door?
You might fail at what God is leading you to.
We probably won’t be impaled, but maybe teased or ridiculed.
Maybe he was afraid that this might not be the right time.
Maybe if I see my name written in lightning or like I heard about Daniel.
Sometimes you just have to be prayed up and then step out.
If the king was having a bad day and didn’t want more discouragement, the last thing he wanted to hear is what Nehemiah was going to tell him.
How often are we afraid of what someone else might say their reaction or the consequences of walking thru the door?
You might fail at what God is leading you to.
We probably won’t be impaled, but maybe teased or ridiculed.
Maybe he was afraid that this might not be the right time.
Maybe if I see my name written in lightning or like I heard about Daniel.
Sometimes you just have to be prayed up and then step out.
There’s times when you just have to speak or step out and do.
First, he gives deference to the king. He honors him with what was a common saying. But when he tells him what is wrong, he is deliberate in his wording; he doesn’t mention the city by name.
Remember, this king normally was no fan of Israel or Judah. This means that during his waiting time, he was planning his approach. He wanted to phrase the sentence to evoke some compassion.
Emotional word pictures: A story you tell someone to speak to their emotions, so they better understand the issue at hand.
Nathan and David is an example. He doesn’t just throw it in his face, he doesn’t confront him at first.
Nehemiah wanted to get the king to be emotionally invested in his story.
Then miracle of miracles, the king doesn’t have him killed, he actually asks Nehemiah . . .
First, he gives deference to the king. He honors him with what was a common saying. But when he tells him what is wrong, he is deliberate in his wording; he doesn’t mention the city by name.
Remember, this king normally was no fan of Israel or Judah. This means that during his waiting time, he was planning his approach. He wanted to phrase the sentence to evoke some compassion.
Emotional word pictures: A story you tell someone to speak to their emotions, so they better understand the issue at hand.
Nathan and David is an example. He doesn’t just throw it in his face, he doesn’t confront him at first.
Nehemiah wanted to get the king to be emotionally invested in his story.
Then miracle of miracles, the king doesn’t have him killed, he actually asks Nehemiah . . .
Yet another open door!
These open doors are not just random, they are the result of Nehemiah praying for the several months between finding out and telling the king.
These open doors are not just random, they are the result of Nehemiah praying for the several months between finding out and telling the king.
He prayed to the Great and Awesome God!
What is the need in your life?
What door do you need God to open because you can’t open it yourself?
There’s nothing you can do to force that door to open. But we have a Great and awesome God who can.
So God just kicks this door open for Nehemiah.
What is the need in your life?
What door do you need God to open because you can’t open it yourself?
There’s nothing you can do to force that door to open. But we have a Great and awesome God who can.
So God just kicks this door open for Nehemiah.
One commentator calls these “telegraph prayers”. -- a quick under your breath, or in your head prayer that lasts 3-4 seconds.
But these spontaneous prayers were backed up with his previous hours and days in prayer.
Wasn’t like he never prayed and then all of a sudden, expected God to show up with this little prayer.
Then he jumps in with both feet.
But these spontaneous prayers were backed up with his previous hours and days in prayer.
Wasn’t like he never prayed and then all of a sudden, expected God to show up with this little prayer.
Then he jumps in with both feet.
"If it pleases the king."
Now why would this please the king? Why would this pagan king be pleased to let his servant leave?
He’d probably have to find another guy to do this, and who could he trust like Nehemiah?
The only reason would be that God moved on his heart.
Now why would this please the king? Why would this pagan king be pleased to let his servant leave?
He’d probably have to find another guy to do this, and who could he trust like Nehemiah?
The only reason would be that God moved on his heart.
Leaders are God’s servants whether they know it or not.
This king was not a Jew, didn’t particularly care for Jews or the nation of Israel. Probably wasn’t a nice guy in general.
Power corrupts. . .
Whether he was a really evil king (Ahab, Manasseh) or just a garden-variety bad guy, God directed the course of this wicked king’s heart to bring about what he wanted.
I don’t want to get political here but I will say one thing. I don’t know the state of Trumps heart. Don’t know if he’s a Christian or not, and I know he’s done and said some very questionable things in his past and even now.
But God is using this imperfect person to do some good things.
This king was not a Jew, didn’t particularly care for Jews or the nation of Israel. Probably wasn’t a nice guy in general.
Power corrupts. . .
Whether he was a really evil king (Ahab, Manasseh) or just a garden-variety bad guy, God directed the course of this wicked king’s heart to bring about what he wanted.
I don’t want to get political here but I will say one thing. I don’t know the state of Trumps heart. Don’t know if he’s a Christian or not, and I know he’s done and said some very questionable things in his past and even now.
But God is using this imperfect person to do some good things.
I can’t find any significance to the queen being there. I know God has it there for a purpose, but it never tells us. Perhaps she encouraged the king.
Maybe he was in a good mood because she was there.
This question was partly designed to test Nehemiah as to how well he had planned this.
During the months in between Nehemiah prayed and planned. He knew what to ask, he know how to ask and he should have known approx. how long it will take.
Whenever God calls us to step out in faith, he doesn’t exclude our taking time to plan our mission.
We don’t just jump into something without planning it out.
God had the plan of salvation.
Maybe he was in a good mood because she was there.
This question was partly designed to test Nehemiah as to how well he had planned this.
During the months in between Nehemiah prayed and planned. He knew what to ask, he know how to ask and he should have known approx. how long it will take.
Whenever God calls us to step out in faith, he doesn’t exclude our taking time to plan our mission.
We don’t just jump into something without planning it out.
God had the plan of salvation.
Nehemiah was ready with an answer to the time question even though it doesn’t say in the text.
His readiness and his previous service convinced the king to let him go.
His readiness and his previous service convinced the king to let him go.
I’m sure that Nehemiah’s faithfulness gave the king confidence in him.
Our work ethic and integrity speaks volumes to those who may be watching us.
We sometimes have to earn the right to speak in to other’s lives.
We do that thru the lives we live in front of them and what we do with and for them.
Our work ethic and integrity speaks volumes to those who may be watching us.
We sometimes have to earn the right to speak in to other’s lives.
We do that thru the lives we live in front of them and what we do with and for them.
His years of dedicated service allowed the king to have confidence and faith that Nehemiah wasn’t just scheming.
The king trusted him.
Do others trust us? Are we trustworthy?
So here is where Nehemiah gets really bold and trusted God to do it all. I’m walking thru the door, but God has to do the rest.
The king trusted him.
Do others trust us? Are we trustworthy?
So here is where Nehemiah gets really bold and trusted God to do it all. I’m walking thru the door, but God has to do the rest.
When Ezra tried to rebuild, the locals didn’t let him do it. They wrote to the king to help dissuade him from allowing it to happen.
Basically lying about what would happen if they were to do what God wanted.
How often do we see the glass half empty and give up because of what MIGHT happen?
You may attempt something that God wants you to do, and it might fail the first time around.
Don’t give up. Do your homework, plan and start again. That’s what Nehemiah did. He learned from the past mistakes. The king wasn’t in the loop last time.
He wanted a letter from the king to show them that he already had his approval and to keep him safe.
He also learned the name of the guy who ran the forest and wanted a letter to him as well.
He did his homework.
When God calls us, it doesn’t mean we don’t have to work or plan.
We have to map things out, try to foresee what might happen and try to avoid them before we start.
But it’s also not an excuse for not trying.
How often do we see the glass half empty and give up because of what MIGHT happen?
You may attempt something that God wants you to do, and it might fail the first time around.
Don’t give up. Do your homework, plan and start again. That’s what Nehemiah did. He learned from the past mistakes. The king wasn’t in the loop last time.
He wanted a letter from the king to show them that he already had his approval and to keep him safe.
He also learned the name of the guy who ran the forest and wanted a letter to him as well.
He did his homework.
When God calls us, it doesn’t mean we don’t have to work or plan.
We have to map things out, try to foresee what might happen and try to avoid them before we start.
But it’s also not an excuse for not trying.
There’s a time to plan and a time to act.
Nehemiah had the plan, now it was time to act.
Whatever you are waiting for, God says, there’s going to be a time to plan but also a time to act on it.
And what happened when Nehemiah asked for all those things?
Kind of presumptuous don’t you think? But he went for broke, all he can say is no.
Sometimes we just have to take the leap and ask for the impossible.
“You have not because you ask not”
What miracle do you think is just too much to ask?
What are we afraid of doing because we might hear “NO”?
Nehemiah had the plan, now it was time to act.
Whatever you are waiting for, God says, there’s going to be a time to plan but also a time to act on it.
And what happened when Nehemiah asked for all those things?
Kind of presumptuous don’t you think? But he went for broke, all he can say is no.
Sometimes we just have to take the leap and ask for the impossible.
“You have not because you ask not”
What miracle do you think is just too much to ask?
What are we afraid of doing because we might hear “NO”?
We say that God has a plan for your life.
With that plan comes, at times, there is specific things that God calls us to. That’s when we need to have a tight relationship with God, so that we’ll be attuned to those instructions.
We’ll be prayed up and listening for that still small voice. Then once we have that call (sometimes disguised as a burden or just a desire in your spirit) then we start planning it and finally we step out and do it.
If God is in it, it isn’t too big, or impossible, or too hard!
With that plan comes, at times, there is specific things that God calls us to. That’s when we need to have a tight relationship with God, so that we’ll be attuned to those instructions.
We’ll be prayed up and listening for that still small voice. Then once we have that call (sometimes disguised as a burden or just a desire in your spirit) then we start planning it and finally we step out and do it.
If God is in it, it isn’t too big, or impossible, or too hard!
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!
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