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Yass Community Baptist Church

Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?

Part III of our series Face To Face With God

Locations & Times

Yass Community Baptist Church

50 Laidlaw St, Yass NSW 2582, Australia

Sunday 10:00 AM

Today, we continue our series, "Face to Face with God".

Through this series, we will be looking at a number of one on one, personal encounters through the book of Matthew.

Hebrews 1:3 tells us that Jesus is the exact representation of God. Even Jesus Himself noted that seeing Him is to see the Father.

As we explore these face to face encounters with the person of Jesus, we will gain an insight into the very nature of God.

This week, join us as we explore the importance of both the question 'do you believe?', and the answer we choose to give.
A God who seeks
Jesus has just one question for the two blind men that have pursued him for healing.

“Do you believe that I am able to do this?”

They had already demonstrated that they had faith, so why does Jesus ask the question?

It turns out that this question, this one question, is the key question that Jesus prompts all of us to answer.

Have you got an answer?
A God who responds
Jesus heals the two men of their blindness by his own power and authority. But that is not what he draws attention to.

Jesus draws attention to the faith of the blind men by saying, “According to your faith let it be done to you.”

Jesus constantly demonstrates to us that God desires to respond to our faith and belief in him.

Do you just want to be acknowledged, or do you truly desire God to respond?
So ... Do you believe?
Jesus shows us a God who seeks out, stirs up, strengthens and responds to our faith.

When we come face to face with Jesus we see that Jesus is less concerned about our appearance, our gifts and abilities, our bank balance or our charisma than he is concerned about our response to this simple question;


Do you believe?

Life Group Discussion Questions Below

As our life groups gather this week, we have attached our reference verse and some questions to prompt a deeper discussion and search into this week's topic.

If you are not currently part of a life group, and would like to join a small group of like minded people in fellowship and connection during the week, please contact Nick on 0417472474 to register your interest.
1. Has there ever been (or is there right now) something in your life that would have you chasing after Jesus like these two blind men?

2. The two blind men clearly believed in Jesus. They called him “Son of David” which is a term that meant they believed he was the messiah. They persistently pursued healing from Jesus. Why do you think that Jesus still asked them if they believed he was able?

3. Why do you think Jesus highlights the faith of the blind men by saying “According to your faith let it be done to you” instead of highlighting his own power and authority to heal?
4. A lot of us are like the man in this story. We believe, but we struggle to believe. In what areas to you struggle to believe in or trust God?

5. Take some time to pray for each other that God would strengthen our faith in him.
Pray for your life group, and others you may feel led to pray for, that we may know God more, and grow ever closer to Him.

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