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Yass Community Baptist Church

Seeing Or Believing

Seeing Or Believing

Part II of our series Face To Face With God

Locations & Times

Yass Community Baptist Church

50 Laidlaw St, Yass NSW 2582, Australia

Sunday 10:00 AM

Today, we continue our series, "Face to Face with God".

Through this series, we will be looking at a number of one on one, personal encounters through the book of Matthew.

Hebrews 1:3 tells us that Jesus is the exact representation of God. Even Jesus Himself noted that seeing Him is to see the Father.

As we explore these face to face encounters with the person of Jesus, we will gain an insight into the very nature of God.

This week, join us as we explore the difference between 'believing because we see', and 'seeing because we believe'.
Seeing or Believing?
We often hear it said that seeing is believing.

Many believed that Jesus could heal people because they had seen, or at least heard, about him healing others. Peter had faith to walk on water after seeing Jesus do it. Seeing and hearing about the things God has done builds our faith.

God works in lives today just as much as He did when this passage was written. Is belief only possible when we can see what God is doing?

Or can you believe in that which you cannot see?
A Matter of Perspective
Familiarity and faith are not always easy to reconcile. It is said that knowledge is power, but perspective is equally important.

Often, it takes the perspective of an third party to help us see things more clearly. In this time, a Roman Centurion was about as much of an outsider as you could possibly get, yet he had a belief in Jesus that astonished even Jesus himself.

When was the last time you looked at your faith through the eyes of an outsider?
God is Bigger
The Centurion believed that Jesus had the power to heal. He wasn’t unique in that belief. Crowds of people brought their sick friends and family to Jesus to be healed.

However, in Jesus, the Centurion saw not a mere magician or worker of miracles. He saw one who was greater than anyone had yet imagined him to be.

How often do you limit what you will accept from God by your expectations and understanding?
Not Just Seeing, But Believing
Most often it is said that seeing is believing.

But for those whose faith is in God, believing is seeing. We are called to believe and have faith for things that not only we, but no-one, has yet seen.

We are all called into a faith earmarked by belief in one who has power and ability to do more than we could ever ask.

Do you trust God for the impossible?
Do you believe because you see? Or do you see because you believe?

Life Group Discussion Questions Below

As our life groups gather this week, we have attached our reference verse and some questions to prompt a deeper discussion and search into this week's topic.

If you are not currently part of a life group, and would like to join a small group of like minded people in fellowship and connection during the week, please contact Nick on 0417472474 to register your interest.
1. Do you have a testimony about something amazing that you have seen God do in your life or that you have heard about in the life of someone you know?
2. In the story found in Matthew 8:5-13 what do you believe astonished Jesus about the faith of the Centurion?
3. Compare this story with Matthew 13:53-58. Why do you think those in Jesus’ home town struggled to see him for who he really was?
4. Are there limits on your own belief in who God is? Where do you think these limits have come from?
5. Share areas of your life that you would like to see God do immeasurably more than you could ask or imagine and take some time to pray for one another.
Pray for your life group, and others you may feel led to pray for, that we may know God more, and grow ever closer to Him.

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