Hillside Missionary Church
Hillside Missionary Church - 11/15/20 Service
Whether you’re a guest or a long-time attendee we’re glad you’re here with us. Hillside is a friendly and caring group of Christians who are here to help people be CONNECTED with Jesus, CHANGED by Jesus, and COMMITTED to the mission of Jesus. GUESTS: Thanks for joining us today! We truly believe that you’re not here by accident and that God has some amazing plans for your life. We’d love to get you connected with us and let you know more about who we are! If you’d like some information about who we are and how to get plugged in here at Hillside, please fill out the “I’m New” page on our website, hmcworship.com/im-new/ SERMON SERIES: Our sermon series is going through the book of Esther and is entitled, “For Such a Time as This.” This Sunday’s message is from chapter 5 and answers the question, “What do You do When You Think You Failed.” CONNECT: We’d love for you to connect with us online! During this time of social distancing we have added an online version of every week’s service. You can find them on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and on our website, hmcworship.com. In addition to that, we encourage you to continue to reach out to your church family through letters, texts, phone calls, and on social media.
Locations & Times
21567 Ireland Rd, South Bend, IN 46614, USA
Wednesday 10:00 PM
1. Realize that God honors even small steps of faith
Matt. 17:20, 21:21, Heb. 11:6
2. Keep pursuing what God has called you to do
2 Thess. 1:11-12, 1 Cor. 15:58
3. Remember that God is working all things out for His glory and our good
Rom. 8:28, 1 Pet. 5:10, James 1:12
1. After taking a look at this fifth chapter in Esther, what stands out to you the most? If you’re familiar with the story, did you notice anything that you haven’t noticed before?
2. If we only looked at the story up to this point, we could think that Esther failed to accomplish what God had put her there to do. In your life, what instances have you felt like you’ve failed to do what God wanted you to do?
3. Even though it may seem horrible in the moment, God used these circumstances in Esther chapter 5 for His glory and the good of His people. Think back in your life. What circumstance felt horrible in the moment, but when you look back, you can see God using for your good and His glory?
4. What would help you in the future to continually pursue what God has for you, and to remember that He’s working all things out for your good and His glory? Who will keep you accountable to accomplishing that?
How to Give
Current Prayer Requests
MISSIONARIES: This month pray for Jane Johnston in Russia.
FAMILY OF THE WEEK: Each week we’ll pray for a different family in our church. This week pray for the Snyders.
HILLSIDE HAPPENINGS: Pray that the church would continue to stay unified under Christ. Pray for our online service, and for the people joining us there. Pray that God would use us to bring His Kingdom here. Pray for the foster closet, as they are helping a new foster closet as they are currently in need of more volunteers.
CURRENT HAPPENINGS: Pray for the current health pandemic in our world and in our country. Pray for medical staff and for our leaders as they navigate how to best help. Pray for our teachers and school administrators. Pray for the wildfires that are on burning in the west, and for the hurricanes in the south. Pray for the unrest and divisions in our country. Pray for our leaders, current and future.
In-person: 35
Online Views (through 11/4): 163
Online (11/2-11/8): $295 for general fund
In-Person on 10/25: $562 for general, $60 for missions
Total general needed weekly to meet budget: $1,575
In-Person Service Update
Small Group