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Hope For Every Longing Heart: November 15, 2020

St. Paul's Bloor Street

St. Paul's Bloor Street

Welcome to St. Paul's Bloor Street! Our vision is a church made alive, a city made new, and a people made whole. Today we're starting a new sermon series "Hope For Every Longing Heart" and looking at Genesis 3: 1-13.

Locations & Times

Onsite Worship

227 Bloor St E, Toronto, ON M4W 1C8, Canada

Sunday 10:00 AM

Questions to Ponder:

1. We are starting a new series that seeks to address the deepest longings of our hearts. What would you predict those deepest longings are?

2. We all have a deep desire for knowledge and wisdom. In what parts of your life could you really use some Godly wisdom?

3. Where are the places you go to find the answers when you need them? Friends? Authors? Websites? Your intuition?

4. Adam and Eve were like children who still needed grow into knowledge and maturity. Do you ever feel you’re still like a child needing to learn, grow, and mature?

5. Adam and Eve are invited to gain knowledge through their daily walk with God, listening to God’s voice, and following His spirit. What does your daily walk with God look like? Do you hear his voice? Do you sense his Spirit leading you?

6. The wrong pursuit of knowledge leads to deception and division. Where do you see different ideas of “right and wrong” and “truth and lies” creating havoc in our world today?

7. What is God’s reaction when we make the wrong choices? Did Adam and Eve die for their sin?

8. How does Jesus’ encounter with the “tree” of crucifixion (the cross) relate to Adam and Eve’s encounter with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?

Closing Prayer:
Loving God, open our ears to hear your word and draw us closer to you, that the whole world may be one with you as you are one with us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sermon Study Resources

Check out this devotional study on RightNow Media that looks deeper into today's themes.

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Advent Wreath Kits

This year, St. Paul’s is providing kits to make a simple Advent wreath at home, with a devotional included. For more info and to request your Advent Wreath kit, visit the link below!

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