Freedom in Christ Church

The Summer of Courage: Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego
5th Sunday Worship Service - August 26, 2018
Locations & Times
Freedom in Christ Church
1643 Bleams Rd, Kitchener, ON N2E 3X8, Canada
Sunday 10:00 AM
Significant Name Changes in the Bible:
Saul becomes Paul. (Acts 13)
Simon becomes Peter. (John 1)
Abram & Sarai become Abraham & Sarah. (Genesis 17)
Jacob becomes Israel. (Genesis 32)
Saul becomes Paul. (Acts 13)
Simon becomes Peter. (John 1)
Abram & Sarai become Abraham & Sarah. (Genesis 17)
Jacob becomes Israel. (Genesis 32)
YouTube Playlist
Here is a playlist of all of the songs we sang this morning!