Community Church of Portage Lakes
Questioning Certainty - Week 15: The Decisive Word on Jesus (1 John 5:6-12)
Join us for week 14 of our series on 1 John, Questioning Certainty.
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
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https://www.CCPL.lifeNotes for this message:
I. The problem of diverse opinions about _______________
The challenge; How can we __________________
II. The _______________ view of truth
a. Postmodernism says spiritual truth is ____________; We each have _______________
b. The Bible teaches the truth of Jesus is ______________ and ____________
III. The ______________ to Jesus and his ministry
a. The water of Jesus’ _____________
Jesus’ baptism established ________________
b. The blood of Jesus’ ____________
Jesus crucifixion established ______________________
c. The Holy Spirit’s ministry of __________________
The Holy Spirit establishes the ____________ and __________ of what Jesus _____________
IV. The testimony of _________ opposed to the opinion of __________
V. Finding ________ in relationship with the Jesus _______________
Closing questions:
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