Grace Chapel
The Denial of Self-Confidence
Welcome to Grace Chapel!
Locations & Times
Grace Chapel
8505 S Valley Hwy, Englewood, CO 80112, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Key takeaways from Peter...
- His SELF-CONFIDENCE sets him up for massive failure. (Matthew 26:33)
- When Peter should be relying upon God in PRAYER, he falls ASLEEP. (Mark 14:38)
- Peter allows his EMOTIONS to guide his decisions because he is the one in control. (John 18:10)
- Peter allows FEAR to drive his decisions in his denial of Jesus. (John 18:17-25)
- His SELF-CONFIDENCE sets him up for massive failure. (Matthew 26:33)
- When Peter should be relying upon God in PRAYER, he falls ASLEEP. (Mark 14:38)
- Peter allows his EMOTIONS to guide his decisions because he is the one in control. (John 18:10)
- Peter allows FEAR to drive his decisions in his denial of Jesus. (John 18:17-25)
How can we learn from Peter’s mistakes?
-Our CONFIDENCE is found in JESUS, not in ourselves. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6)
-PRAYER individually and with others keeps us close to Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
-When we put our CONFIDENCE in Jesus our EMOTIONS don’t lead our decisions…He does!
-Jesus is LOVE, and perfect love drives out FEAR in our lives. (1 John 4:15-18)
-Our CONFIDENCE is found in JESUS, not in ourselves. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6)
-PRAYER individually and with others keeps us close to Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
-When we put our CONFIDENCE in Jesus our EMOTIONS don’t lead our decisions…He does!
-Jesus is LOVE, and perfect love drives out FEAR in our lives. (1 John 4:15-18)
“How then shall a Christian bear fruit? By efforts and struggles to obtain that which is freely given? No: there must be a full concentration of the thoughts and affections on Christ; a complete surrender of the whole being to Him; a constant looking to Him for grace. Christians in whom these dispositions are once firmly fixed go on calmly as the infant borne in the arms of its mother. Christ reminds them of every duty in its time and place, reproves them for every error, counsels them in every difficulty, excites them to every needful activity. In spiritual as in temporal matters they take no thought for the marrow; for they know that Christ will be as accessible tomorrow as today, and that time imposes no barrier on His love. Their hope and trust rest solely on what He is willing and able to do for them; on nothing that they suppose themselves able and willing to do for Him. Such is the “exchanged life”, the abiding, fruitful life, the life that is Christ, which should be the possession of every believer. Galatians 2:20 should be, and can be, a glorious reality.” - Hudson Taylor
-Practice putting my confidence in Jesus through prayer each day.
-Memorize Galatians 2:20.
-Read 1 Peter 1 to get a perspective on Peter’s outlook on living for Christ.
-Practice putting my confidence in Jesus through prayer each day.
-Memorize Galatians 2:20.
-Read 1 Peter 1 to get a perspective on Peter’s outlook on living for Christ.
Have you missed a sermon? The past sermons are available on our website!
http://www.gracechapel.orgPrayer Requests
We would love to pray for you this week. All submissions using this form will be shared with staff, Elders, and the prayer team. Please note in your request if you want this shared with staff and Elders ONLY.