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Creekside Community Church

True Love (2 John 1-13)

True Love (2 John 1-13)

Creekside Community Church The Forgotten Letters July 29th, 2018 Jeff Bruce, Lead Pastor

Locations & Times

Creekside Community Church

951 MacArthur Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94577, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

1.Truth Defines Love (vv. 1-6)
2.Love Defends Truth (vv. 7-11)
For further thought and discussion:

Getting Started

1.What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2.When has someone shown you love by telling you (or pointing you towards) the truth? Share your story with the group.
Going Deeper

3.Who is “the Elder” writing this letter (v. 1)? Why would he refer to himself this way? Who do you think, “the elect lady” is (v. 1; see vv. 5, 13)?
4.Read 2 John 1-6. How does John use the words “love” and “truth”? Summarize the relationship between Christian love and Christian truth. How do these two concepts relate? From a Christian perspective, why are love and truth complementary (rather than conflicting)?
5.What’s the connection between verse 7 and what precedes it (vv. 4-6)? Summarize the logical flow of John’s thought in your own words.
6.Why is John warning against false teachers (see vv. 7-9)? Why are these teachers so dangerous? How does John instruct this church to respond to them (see vv. 10-11)? How might these instructions be misinterpreted? Why is John’s counsel in verses 10-11 actually loving (as opposed to unloving)? Why is the church displaying love by upholding truth?


7.Jeff listed four criteria for identifying false teaching. What are these criteria? Can you think of a time you were presented with false teaching? How did you know it was “false”? How did you interact with the person giving it?
8.Jeff provided some reflection questions for acting in truth and love. Which of these did you find helpful? Why?
9.What’s one thing you can do this week to apply this passage?