St Marks Church
Called: Is God Calling Me?
We think of a “calling” as a mysterious and exclusive thing. Those that are “called” are revered and envied. Everyone else almost has to make do with a lesser lot in life. “Calling”, however, is very misunderstood. God’s call is not mysterious nor selective. He’s not calling you to “do” as much as what He is calling you to “be”. When you know what God is calling you to, it won't only change your understanding of “calling”, but your response too.
Locations & Times
  • St Marks Church PE
    447 Cape Rd, Westering, Port Elizabeth, 6025, South Africa
    Sunday 9:30 AM
  • Church Online
    Sunday 9:00 AM
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There can be no call without a Caller.

The great I AM, the all-powerful Creator, the one and only true Living God is calling you!
Calling is about WHO you are before WHAT you do.
Who is called? In Christ, EVERYONE who believes!

1. To know Him (relationship)
2. To be (conformed to His image)
3. To do (whatever, wherever, whenever)
Calling isn’t about something important you do in the future. It’s about your faithfulness to the Lord today.
In God’s hands, the size of your assignment never determines the significance of your impact!

Related Article – Trying to Figure Out Your Calling? This Might Help

We’ve all been plagued by the question, “What are you going to do with your life?” It’s a big question, and it’s one that doesn’t always have a clear-cut answer—though we often wish it did. This idea of purpose is something people wrestle with their whole lives. Tap this article for some further reading on the topic of "Being Called"...