Redeeming Life Church

"Getting Out Alive" (1 John 2:7-27)
Welcome to Redeeming Life Church's YouVersion Event page. We hope this helps you know, live, and proclaim the Gospel. We're presently in a morning series called "First John."
Locations & Times
Redeeming Life Church
696 N 400 E, Bountiful, UT 84010, USA
Sunday 11:00 AM
“Getting Out Alive”
1 John 2:7-27
10/18/2020, Pastor Bryan Catherman
1 John 2:7-27
10/18/2020, Pastor Bryan Catherman
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Early in my Christian walk, I let popular fiction books and music, and even some popular preachers shape my eschatology (that's a fancy word for end-times theology). I was on the lookout for the antichrist. Could it be a particular presidential candidate, the pope, or a big internet business founder as friends or emails might suggest? Was the coming of the antichrist the sign of the end times (and when I thought end times, I was thinking the final apocalypse we read about in the book of Revelation)?
But here's the problem: I was allowing the wrong things to shape my mind rather than learning from the Bible.
Did you know the "antichrist" appears nowhere in the book of Revelation?
The only place in the Bible you will find mention of antichrist or antichrists is in John's first and second epistles. (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3 and; 2 John 1:7)
Also, 1 John 2:18 makes it clear we are in the end times already. The same author of these Epistles (John) authored the book of Revelation, and yet he didn't use the term "antichrist." Why? We think "antichrist" when we read Revelation 13, yet John, who loved the word in his epistles, didn't use it in Revelation 13. Was something or someone else in mind? Likely.
Some have taken the antichrist(s) discussion in 1 John and assumed that is describing either Paul's Man of Lawlessness who comes just before the end (2 Thessalonians 2:3) or the various beasts or dragons in the book of Revelation. I put before you that that is a mistake.
I'm not saying that the beasts and the Man of Lawlessness don't come before the very end. I am saying that the antichrists have already arrived, are still coming, will continue to come, and some may even be sitting in our church chairs and watching our live-stream.
By mislabeling the Man of Lawlessness or the beasts and dragons as the antichrist, we put ourselves in jeopardy of becoming an antichrist!
Everything we need to know about the antichrists' identity and nature is contained in 1 John 2:18-23, 1 John 4:1-3, and 2 John 1:7-11. (I suggest you pause and read these passages.)
The Bible is clear.
1. We're in the last hour.
2. Antichrists have come and are coming.
3. Antichrist went out from the body of Christians but weren't Christians themselves.
4. "This is the antichrist: the one who denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22)
Did you catch that last one? It's the definition of the antichrists.
1 John 4:1-3 provides more characteristics of the antichrists. He or she does not confess that Jesus has come from God in the flesh. There's also a discussion of the deception of lying spirits and false prophets. 2 John 1:7-11 confirms this same idea.
Based on the Bible, who is the antichrist?
Wow, the antichrists are all around us! They may be among us. Those who deny the biblical reality that Jesus came as fully man and from God. But not just sent, actually from or out of God himself. Jesus is also fully God.
But it doesn't have to so specific. The Bible says the one who denies the Father and the Son is the antichrist (1 John 2:22). Denying the Father as he revealed himself in the Word and denying the Son as he revealed himself in the Word (the Bible) is all it takes to be an antichrist.
Therefore, let us not make the mistake of thinking that this understanding of the antichrist describes the Man of Lawlessness or the beasts and dragons. If we do that, we put the wrong idea on those individuals. Instead, let us realize that the antichrist is not the end times monster, but instead, it's the monster among us.
Early in my Christian walk, I let popular fiction books and music, and even some popular preachers shape my eschatology (that's a fancy word for end-times theology). I was on the lookout for the antichrist. Could it be a particular presidential candidate, the pope, or a big internet business founder as friends or emails might suggest? Was the coming of the antichrist the sign of the end times (and when I thought end times, I was thinking the final apocalypse we read about in the book of Revelation)?
But here's the problem: I was allowing the wrong things to shape my mind rather than learning from the Bible.
Did you know the "antichrist" appears nowhere in the book of Revelation?
The only place in the Bible you will find mention of antichrist or antichrists is in John's first and second epistles. (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3 and; 2 John 1:7)
Also, 1 John 2:18 makes it clear we are in the end times already. The same author of these Epistles (John) authored the book of Revelation, and yet he didn't use the term "antichrist." Why? We think "antichrist" when we read Revelation 13, yet John, who loved the word in his epistles, didn't use it in Revelation 13. Was something or someone else in mind? Likely.
Some have taken the antichrist(s) discussion in 1 John and assumed that is describing either Paul's Man of Lawlessness who comes just before the end (2 Thessalonians 2:3) or the various beasts or dragons in the book of Revelation. I put before you that that is a mistake.
I'm not saying that the beasts and the Man of Lawlessness don't come before the very end. I am saying that the antichrists have already arrived, are still coming, will continue to come, and some may even be sitting in our church chairs and watching our live-stream.
By mislabeling the Man of Lawlessness or the beasts and dragons as the antichrist, we put ourselves in jeopardy of becoming an antichrist!
Everything we need to know about the antichrists' identity and nature is contained in 1 John 2:18-23, 1 John 4:1-3, and 2 John 1:7-11. (I suggest you pause and read these passages.)
The Bible is clear.
1. We're in the last hour.
2. Antichrists have come and are coming.
3. Antichrist went out from the body of Christians but weren't Christians themselves.
4. "This is the antichrist: the one who denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22)
Did you catch that last one? It's the definition of the antichrists.
1 John 4:1-3 provides more characteristics of the antichrists. He or she does not confess that Jesus has come from God in the flesh. There's also a discussion of the deception of lying spirits and false prophets. 2 John 1:7-11 confirms this same idea.
Based on the Bible, who is the antichrist?
Wow, the antichrists are all around us! They may be among us. Those who deny the biblical reality that Jesus came as fully man and from God. But not just sent, actually from or out of God himself. Jesus is also fully God.
But it doesn't have to so specific. The Bible says the one who denies the Father and the Son is the antichrist (1 John 2:22). Denying the Father as he revealed himself in the Word and denying the Son as he revealed himself in the Word (the Bible) is all it takes to be an antichrist.
Therefore, let us not make the mistake of thinking that this understanding of the antichrist describes the Man of Lawlessness or the beasts and dragons. If we do that, we put the wrong idea on those individuals. Instead, let us realize that the antichrist is not the end times monster, but instead, it's the monster among us.
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