First Baptist Church of Westwood Lake
Honoring Your Fathers
Sermon notes for or service on Sunday morning, June 17
Locations & Times
  • First Baptist Church of Westwood Lake
    5801 SW 120th Ave, Miami, FL 33183, USA
    Sunday 10:15 AM
Quarterly Business Meeting
Sunday, June 17
There will be a business meeting following the morning service.
Vacation Bible School
Wednesday, June 20 at 7:00 PM
This week’s lesson is about Jesus' traveling ministry. All children 5 years and older please meet in room 1112.
No Service
There will be no Wednesday night service on July 4.
This morning as we celebrate this special Sunday called Father’s Day! Proverbs 20:6 asks a very sobering question: “But a faithful man - who can find?” It is hard to be a father because you rule over a kingdom just like God does. It is a kingdom where the subjects do not always do your will.
Elijah was one of the greatest Old Testament prophets; Elijah the prophet is one of those men. Elisha honored his father and his spiritual Father by:
I. Commitment
Determined to stick close to his faith
Before Elijah’s departure into heaven, we find him leaving Samaria along with Elisha and walking some 30-35 miles.
- Elisha is a model to us. In verse 12 Elijah had been a Spiritual Father
- Elisha thought that Elijah had something to give to him.
- Spiritual legacy: something that Elijah could and would impart to Elisha which was of great value.
- Elisha followed him so closely in a very special way.
“And it came to pass, when the LORD was about to take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal.”
Three times Elijah tests Elisha to see whether or not he would remain with him until the end. Elisha was determined and committed to follow through and stay with Elijah.
The first test is found in verse two where Elijah tells Elisha to stay behind in Gilgal while he went on to Bethel by himself. Elisha would not hear of it, he was going to make sure that he was faithful to Elijah until the very final moment of his life.
Gilgal - Place that Israel camped after crossing the Jordan (2 Kings 2:1)
Bethel - Place of the consecration (2 Kings 2:1-3)
It was at Bethel that the patriarch Jacob had met the Lord God in Genesis 28:11-22. Bethel signified the place of commitment and of total dependence upon the Lord.
II. Communication
Determined to see what God was doing through Elijah in his final days
- It’s evident how God sent Elisha to Elijah. In 1 Kings 19:19 we see this: Please let me kiss…
- Elisha had a great upbringing, a great training at home by his father.
- Elijah, according to the leading of the Spirit, of all the prophets chose Elisha to be his successor. Elisha actually became like a biological son to Elijah
This was how Elisha was groomed to become a worshiper as a young man.
Jericho – Place of Past Victories (2 Kings 2:4-5)
- The second test was asking him to remain behind in Bethel while he went some fifteen miles southeast to the city of Jericho. But again Elisha would not consent to leave.
- Jericho is important because it was here that Israel had its first military victory in the promised land (Joshua 6). Jericho was also a border town. To pass beyond this location was to enter wild, new territory.
Jordan – Place of Passing Over (2 Kings 2:6-7)
- For the third time Elijah tried to convince Elisha he should stay behind, and for the third time Elisha refuses to be persuaded. Elisha's determination reminds us.
Jordan was important because it was the barrier that Israel crossed to enter the promised land.
III. Choice
Determine to have a double portion of his spirit
Elijah was about to cross over the Jordan, to leave the Promised Land, for the greater Promised Land!
- Elisha would make the trip with him as far as possible: right until the end!
- This was a quality he learned from Elijah as a teacher, now he was learning to lead himself!
- Elisha follows without hesitation, his character is about to be revealed by an offer of anything he wished for being granted!
- Elijah's request for a wish from Elisha finds a unique response,
- Elisha is offered anything he wishes for, so he requests "A double-portion of Elijah's spirit."
IV. Courage
Determination to pick up Elijah’s mantle
- Elisha had learned well how to lead from Elijah! Now he was about to continue Elijah's legacy of Godly leadership!
- To get what he wanted, he would have to be present when Elijah's ministry ended, and to receive the mantle that had first been used to wrap him in at his call!
- The mantle was the symbol of God's Spirit!
- Like Jesus did hundred's of years later: He told his disciples that when He ascended they should wait and the Spirit would fall on them too.
- It took courage to take that cloak and hit the Jordan River. He had seen Elijah separate the waters, but would the same thing happen for him? Elijah is gone, but is Elijah's God gone also? That's always the great question.
- Elijah is unique in a couple of ways. First he is unique in that the Bible says that he is one of only two humans who have lived and passed off the scene without dying, the other was Enoch (Genesis 5:24).
- Second: Elijah is unique in that the Bible says that Elijah would have a continuing ministry. The prophet Malachi foretold, "I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes." (Malachi 4:5). Four hundred years later, Jesus said of John the Baptist, "He is Elijah, who was to come"

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