Creekside Community Church

A Glimmer in the Dark - Loyal: The Book of Ruth - Sermon 1
Creekside Community Church Loyal: The Book of Ruth June 3rd, 2018 Jeff Bruce, Lead Pastor
Locations & Times
Creekside Community Church
951 MacArthur Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94577, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
1. A Fractured World (1:1-6)
2. A Faithful Woman (1:7-22)
For further thought and discussion:
Getting Started
1. What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2. Recall the last time someone went “above and beyond”to help you. How did they help you? How did they go beyond the call of duty?
Going Deeper
3. The author begins by noting that our story takes place “[i]n the days when the judges ruled”(v. 1). What was life like in the time of Judges (see Judges 19:1; 21:25)? Why is it important for us to keep this setting in mind as we read Ruth?
4. What happens to Naomi (1:3-5)? What does she lose? What makes her situation so precarious?
5. What is ḥesed? How does God communicate his ḥesedto Naomi (see 1:6; vv. 14-18)? What makes Ruth’s commitment to Naomi so extraordinary? What is Ruth sacrificing to stay with Naomi? How does Orpah (vv. 14) serve as a foil for Ruth? How is Ruth’s action an example of ḥesed?
6. What insights do we glean from this passage about biblical friendship? How is biblical friendship distinct from other relationships? Jeff mentioned that many of our relationships are determined more by convenience rather than conviction. Have you found this to be true? What’s the difference between a “friend” and a “companion”?
7. What barriers do you currently face to forming deep friendships? How can you take steps towards overcoming these barriers?
8. What’s one thing you can do this week to apply this passage?