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Northeast Christian Church

One Life to Live: Body Goals

One Life to Live: Body Goals

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Can eating right and taking care of our bodies be a form of worship? If our bodies are the temple of God, should we treat them like a trash can? We are going on a journey as a church family: We're getting healthy! We're going to take care of the temple so that we can do the work of God with lots of energy, long term! God wants to use us in his Kingdom work on this earth. But if we're too tired, or we exit early because we didn't take care of our body, we will have missed out on what God wanted to do in us and through us! Let's learn to take care of the temple in this sermon series: ONE LIFE TO LIVE.

Locations & Times

Northeast Christian Church

2751 Patterson Rd, Grand Junction, CO 81506, United States

Sunday 9:00 AM

1. God made it.
2. Jesus died for it.
3. Holy Spirit lives in it.
4. I should take care of it.
You cannot serve God on this earth and serve other people in Jesus’ name... if you’re dead.
If you live how God wants you to live and take care of the temple, God will add years to your life and add life to your years.
1. To be the best me I can be for God's glory.
-I have to say "no" to me.
-I have to say "no" to what I want so that God can have what he wants.
Great advice: "After dinner, walk with you family."
2. To make good choices a lifestyle.
3. To bear good fruit for God in old age.
TAKE AWAY: Signup for a 5K and start training.