Freedom in Christ Church

Now What: Effective
Worship Service - September 27, 2020
Locations & Times
Freedom in Christ Church
1643 Bleams Rd, Kitchener, ON N2E 3X8, Canada
Sunday 10:00 AM
“The essence of Paul’s argument is seen if we put his six verbs in the opposite order: Christ sends preachers; preachers preach; people hear; hearers believe; believers call; and those who call are saved… [So] unless some people are commissioned for the task, there will be no gospel preachers; unless the gospel is preached, sinners will not hear Christ’s message and voice; unless they hear him, they will not believe the truths of his death and resurrection; unless they believe these truths, they will not call on him; and unless they call on his name, they will not be saved.”
- John Stott, The Message of Romans
- John Stott, The Message of Romans
YouTube Playlist
Here is a playlist of all of the songs we sang this morning!