Freedom in Christ Church

Now What: Equipped
Worship Service - September 20, 2020
Locations & Times
Freedom in Christ Church
1643 Bleams Rd, Kitchener, ON N2E 3X8, Canada
Sunday 10:00 AM
“Like the human body, held together by design, the church grows through the coordinated and cooperative work of its many members, who out of love for the whole contribute their individual efforts toward the good of the whole. But the plan and the energy are drawn from the head who watches over and provides for his body. Indeed, he lives his own life out through it (v. 16).” (Erickson)
“We cannot be mature Christians by ourselves, for we cannot give ourselves everything we need for a life of faith. Christ could supply our needs directly, but instead he has chosen to grace other people so that they contribute to us and we to them. Grace comes from God, but it is also conveyed along horizontal channels.” (NIV Application Commentary)
How do we get equipped?
1. Look up.
2. Look back.
3. Look around.
1. Look up.
2. Look back.
3. Look around.
YouTube Playlist
Here is a playlist of all of the songs we sang this morning!