Central Assembly

Revelation, Part 5
Pastor Jim Bradford | September 13, 2020
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Central Assembly
1301 N Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
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The Four Horsemen
The Four Horsemen
Things will get worse before they get better.
The White Horse = conquest and war
The Red Horse = civil disorder and bloodshed
The Black Horse = famine and injustice
The Pale Horse = plagues and death
What do we know for sure?
1. Human history is not improving
1. Human history is not improving
Gary Haugen, Injustice. . . “[The 20th century was an] open-mouthed grave...Hitler’s six million Jews, Stalin’s twenty million Soviet citizens, Mao’s tens of millions of political enemies and peasant famine victims, Pol Pot’s two million Cambodians, the Interhamwe’s million Tutsi Rwandans, and the millions of lives wasted away during apartheid’s forty-year reign.”
What do we know for sure?
1. Human history is not improving
2. Disruptions will be increasingly global
1. Human history is not improving
2. Disruptions will be increasingly global
What do we know for sure?
1. Human history is not improving
2. Disruptions will be increasingly global
3. These are signs that Jesus is coming again
1. Human history is not improving
2. Disruptions will be increasingly global
3. These are signs that Jesus is coming again
Things will get worse before they get better, but they will only get better when Jesus steps in.