StoneBridge Community Church

Under New Management: The Main Thing
Interim Pastor Neal Nybo
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Online Connection Card
Thanks for joining us today! Follow this link to our online Connection Card where you can let us know you were here and share any prayer concerns. With Generosity
Thanks for partnering with us in our mission to reach people with the good news of God's love, to make disciples, and to send them out. Secure online giving via PayPal. Covey is credited with saying, “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” Is there one main thing Christians should be passionate about? If so, what is it and how do we do it?
1. We must keep the main thing the main thing.
In all of our activities, let's be sure we stay focused on our clear purpose, our reason for existing.
In all of our activities, let's be sure we stay focused on our clear purpose, our reason for existing.
2. The main thing for Christians is love.
There are many important and complicated issues facing Christians and our nation. When does addressing those issues become more important than loving one another?
There are many important and complicated issues facing Christians and our nation. When does addressing those issues become more important than loving one another?
1. Growing up, was there a main thing in your house - like always be polite or finish all the food on your plate because there are children starving in the world?
2. Have you been to a place like Virginia City, where they don’t do the main thing anymore, but they are still doing lots of other things?
3. Would you agree based on Mark 12: 30, 31 and John 13:34, that Christianity’s main thing is to love God and love others?
4. What are some things Christians focus on that prevent the main thing from being the main thing?
5. What are some things Christians focus on that keep the main thing the main thing?
1. Growing up, was there a main thing in your house - like always be polite or finish all the food on your plate because there are children starving in the world?
2. Have you been to a place like Virginia City, where they don’t do the main thing anymore, but they are still doing lots of other things?
3. Would you agree based on Mark 12: 30, 31 and John 13:34, that Christianity’s main thing is to love God and love others?
4. What are some things Christians focus on that prevent the main thing from being the main thing?
5. What are some things Christians focus on that keep the main thing the main thing?
UnChristian interview
A brief explanation by the author of the book. Don’t substitute tradition for love.
They challenged Jesus about a seemingly insignificant tradition and Jesus basically shakes his head and says, gentlemen (because religious leaders in that day were all men), gentlemen, your traditions are not the main thing. And, the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
They challenged Jesus about a seemingly insignificant tradition and Jesus basically shakes his head and says, gentlemen (because religious leaders in that day were all men), gentlemen, your traditions are not the main thing. And, the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
4. Stop avoiding cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive dissonance is the unpleasant emotion we feel when what we believe and how we act, contradict one another.
Cognitive dissonance is the unpleasant emotion we feel when what we believe and how we act, contradict one another.
Signs of cognitive dissonance...
Squeamishness – that uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach.Avoidance – at a tough crossroads, we choose the path of least resistance. Ignoring the facts – not examining the data when it is painful.Rationalization – convincing yourself that you made a good decision. Fear of missing out – it seems like everyone else is doing it. GROUP / PERSONAL REFLECTION QUESTIONS
1. What are some traditions of the church, either our local church or the worldwide church?
2. How do those traditions demonstrate love?
3. How might they substitute for love rather than demonstrating it?
4. Explain cognitive dissonance.
5. Explain how people avoid it.
6. Can you see ways you avoid cognitive dissonance?
7. Can you see how wrestling with your own cognitive dissonance may allow you to grow and demonstrate love?
1. What are some traditions of the church, either our local church or the worldwide church?
2. How do those traditions demonstrate love?
3. How might they substitute for love rather than demonstrating it?
4. Explain cognitive dissonance.
5. Explain how people avoid it.
6. Can you see ways you avoid cognitive dissonance?
7. Can you see how wrestling with your own cognitive dissonance may allow you to grow and demonstrate love?
Next step:
What is one way you avoid cognitive dissonance? Think of something you can do this week to stop avoiding it and do that.
What is one way you avoid cognitive dissonance? Think of something you can do this week to stop avoiding it and do that.

In just a few weeks, Pastor Neal will launch Part Two of his message series on the Gospel of Mark, titled All Things New. With this new message series, three types of group life will be offered - Growth Groups, Prayer Groups, and At-home Worship. Experience your own spiritual blessing by joining one of these groups either in person* or by Zoom. To sign up or learn more, contact Barbara Waite: (805) 915-7320 or send her an email at

Outdoor Worship Registration Link
On Saturday, September 12th @ 5:30pm we will have an outdoor worship service on the front lawn at StoneBridge! Join us for worship, a message, and some fellowship- 6 feet apart of course! Registration is now open, so please click the link to register before the 12th. us on Instagram
Follow us on Instagram for up to date information and inspirational messages. Media @ StoneBridge
We encourage you to use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media to share images, quotes, links, or what you've learned from this week's message and YouVersion message notes. Social media can also be a great way of inviting your friends to worship and special events. us on YouTube
While there is no substitute for worshipping God with others, if you happen to miss a message you can always catch us on YouTube. We invite you to subscribe to our channel.