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Grace Church

THE GREAT ONES: Commands - #1 Come & See

THE GREAT ONES: Commands - #1 Come & See

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

The Great Ones is our theme for the next 3 months. Each month will have a sub-theme:
September = Commands
October = Chapters
November = Choices
This month we are looking at 4 commands of Jesus given to those who would one day become mature followers and leaders of the Christian faith. The commands were given in progressive nature, one following the other.
That is the way maturity takes place...over time.
The Bible uses a number of illustrations to describe maturity. One of them is a crop growing. We read of cultivating the land, planting the seed, bearing the fruit, and reaping the harvest.
Today we look at the first of the 4 commands. Each of these was purposeful to challenge people to move from here to there.
We will be using 4 Chairs and the Baseball Diamond as visual methods to help us understand how people are to grow or mature spiritually.
This first command is found in John 1:35-39 [NLT]
This command is given to a couple of the followers of John the Baptist - Andrew and the other is assumed to be John, the writer of this gospel.

John the Baptist had arrived on the scene as the promised messenger to the coming of the Messiah.
John had attracted tens of thousands of people. From the hostile, to gawkers, to the curious, and to those who were sincerely interested in God’s coming Kingdom. And remember, there were countless multitudes who had NO INTEREST whatsoever. It’s no different today!

Everyone is “seeking something” to give their life meaning and significance [fame, popularity, wealth, relationships, pleasure, etc.]
And scripture points out that no one seeks after God unless drawn by the Father.
Andrew and John were “spiritual seekers” who God had drawn to John the Baptist in preparation to meet Jesus.
These 2 individuals immediately began following the Lord
Jesus said, "What do you want?" v. 38a
They replied, "Where are you staying? v. 38b
Jesus replied with the command we are looking at today, "Come & See" v. 39
This was an invitation to cross the bridge of decision.
The Come & See command in scripture is posed by Jesus and others to those who are spiritually lost.
Acts 4:12
The Baseball Diamond helps us to understand the normal process a lost person will go through in their discovery of Jesus.
The dugout represents the world of lost people and each of the bases represent where a particular individual may find themselves.
As God works in a lost person's life the person begins to take steps of faith in coming to the Lord. For most of us, the normal steps involve the following:
1. Revelation - God begins to work in a lost person's life to help him understand God's love and man's need
2. Relationship - God brings the steps of a lost person across those of a Christian
3. Recognition - God reveals His holiness and man's helplessness
4. Repentance - God draws man away from a sinful and selfish lifestyle
5. Reception - God gives man the faith to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior
First base is where a person moves from being lost to being a believer.
The Come & See command stresses both God's love and our concern for our lost family and friends.
Last week we wrote the names of the people we wanted God to move over the bridge of decision in the next four months. You have a vital role in this process as you pray for them, look for ways to serve them and meet their needs, deepen your relationships with them, interject spiritual truth into your conversations, and tell the Story: His and yours.
Application and Discussion Questions:

1. Mt. Rushmore has the Four Great One’s sculpted into its memorial. If you had to select Four Great One’s in one or any of the following categories, who or what would you pick? Talk about these with a friend or family member, someone within your H.O.M.E. Group, or post your choices online to start a conversation:

a) Movies b) Sports Legends c) Children’s Books d) T.V. Shows e) Vacation Spots f) Go-To Foods and g) Bible Characters (can’t use Jesus). Or pick your own category.

2. When you are given a command, what is your usual reaction? Are you compliant? Do you question the person who gave the command or the command itself? Do you tighten your jaw and drag your feet? Do you refuse the command and do your own thing?

3. When have you thoroughly examined a subject to learn and changed your mental perception because of the facts?

4. Reflect upon the people who introduced you to Jesus. What did they do or say that made you curious about the Christian faith and want to examine it? Who are some people you could challenge to “come and see” the historical evidence concerning the life of Jesus? (Think of using the JESUS booklet found in the coffee shop)

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H.O.M.E. Groups

Visit this link to learn more about groups and to sign-up.
Birthdays and Anniversaries:

Sunday, September 6 - Cass Ramey, Amanda Zalewski, Nick & Jacki VanDeMoortel, David & Erin Stephens
Monday, September 7 - Robert Schilz, Jackson Sensiba
Tuesday, September 8 - Rex Jones
Wednesday, September 9 - Jillyn Boldrey, Corey Speer, Kyleigh Scott
Friday, September 11 - Roman Schilz, Merida Stephens
Saturday, September 12 - Nikki Yargeau, Julia Mater