CrossWay Church

March 25: The Outer Courtyard
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
I) Outer Courtyard (75 ft x 150 ft by 7.5 ft)
A) The ________________ could enter this area.
B) Brazen Altar of _____________ Offering ( 7.5 ft x 7.5 ft x 4.5 ft)
1) Located at the tabernacle’s _____________.
2) Made of boards covered with ___________.
3) The fire was to be kept ____________ at all times.
4) Animals were sacrificed and ___________ sprinkled on the altar for people’s sins.
C) Bronze Laver ___________Basin
1) Made out of bronze _________________.
2) Located at the entrance of the inner ________________.
3) Priests used it to ___________ their hands and feet before entering the sanctuary and performing offerings.
II) The outer courtyard's significance for us today!
A) Propitiation: The _______________ of the wrath and justice of God.
1) The animal sacrifices __________________ propitiated for the Israelites sins.
2) Christ’s suffered the punishment for believers’ sins and appeased God’s _________ and justice on the cross.
B) Expiation: The _________________ of guilt.
1) The priest’s washing symbolized God’s removal of sin. It allowed them to ___________ into God’s presence.
2) Christ _______________ the guilt of believer’s sin and restored their relationship with a Holy God.