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Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene

The Hope of Holiness, Part 3

The Hope of Holiness, Part 3

Today we will conclude "The Hope of Holiness" by reflecting on Christ's transformation of our minds. Thanks for tuning in!

Locations & Times

Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg

1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

This week at HFCN

1. 30 Days of Prayer and Fasting- More
details to come on how we as a church will engage together
in seeking and hearing from the Lord this September!

2. September 13- We want to remind you about September 13, a big Sunday coming up for our church. We will begin on that day having
both an indoor and an outdoor service on Sunday mornings,
and our children's & student ministries are both kicking off
that same day!

3. Outdoor service- Outdoor services on Sundays at 9:00 will continue until further notice! Bring your own chair OR feel free to stay in your vehicle and listen via FM radio (97.9FM). We will continue to ensure that proper social distancing is taking place.

4. Life Groups- Fall Life Group registrations are happening! Sign up + connect here:

5. East Rock- There are multiple East Rock Campus events coming up! Click here to check out what's happening:

6. Baptism- If you have made a decision for Christ and have never
been baptized, we would love to help you take that next step!
Text nextstepshope to 94000 and we'll be in touch!

Check out our Church Center app to register for Events, stay connected to your Life Group, and manage your Giving. You can also use the app to check-in on Sunday mornings:

Romans 8:1-2 (week 1 review)
-Paul is facing the battle between pleasing self and pleasing God.
-Ultimately Paul cannot win this battle on his own, but because of Christ we have been set free and we are no longer condemned.

Romans: 3-4 (week 2 review)
-The law alone could not save us. We couldn’t be good enough, moral enough, or religious enough to save ourselves.
-We understand the failure of the law, but also the success of Christ.

There is a person whose mind is focused on flesh (on self)
-I ultimately pursue what I want
-I take what I want when I want
-Whatever makes me feel good

There is a life whose mind is focused on the spirit
-In step with what God desires
-In step with how God leads and directs

While there is nothing wrong with hard work and determination, our flesh alone has never had the power to transform us. The flesh cannot do what the Spirit alone can do.

This section of Romans 8:1-8 is the “so what” section.
(Part 1) IF there is now no condemnation for those in Christ……so what?
(Part 2) IF Jesus freed you, doing what the law couldn’t do……so what?

What do you do about that today?
The answer to that question is found in your mind
-What you think about
-Your response to your emotions
-What compels you, what role you allow the Holy Spirit to play in driving you

Bottom Line:
The change God wants to make in you starts in your mind
What would it look like to take an inventory of your mind….
-What do you spend your time looking at or listening to?
-What do you read and study?
-How do you manage your thought and feeling life? (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
-How do you respond to hardship or suffering?
-How would others describe you? (Faithful? Patient? Joyful?) (Galatians 5:22-23)

The Hope of Holiness is that holiness is not something we do, but something God does in us. We believe it is a focus on our outward actions, cleaning up the outside. But God wants to transform us from the inside out.
Other Texts for Reflection:

Giving at HFCN

If you have ever have questions or need help with online giving, please let us know. Thank you for your partnership in the Kingdom of Christ!