New Albany Presbyterian Church
New Albany Presbyterian Church: August 30
Death is our most fearsome enemy, Yet Solomon tells us we live wisely if we keep it in view. This is because death-consciousness: --Leads to valuing the good things in life ---Prevents us from arrogantly striving to achieve immortality In Christ, we have more than Solomon had: assurance of resurrection after death.
Locations & Times
  • Franklin Church (Outdoor through Sept 20)
    7171 Central College Rd, New Albany, OH 43054, USA
    Sunday 10:00 AM

Need Prayer?

How can we pray for you? How can we praise God with you? Click the link to send us your prayer requests.
1. The goodness and brevity of life (11:7-9)

2. The certainty of judgment (11:9-12:1)
4. Staring into the abyss, understanding the vanity, and increasing in hope (12:7-8, Hebrews 2:14-15)

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