Edmond Church of Christ

Discovery Bible Study for August 30- September 4, 2020
Worship Time On Sunday is 10:40 a.m. or small group Discovery Bible Studies throughout the week in various locations.
Locations & Times
Edmond Church of Christ
801 S Bryant Ave, Edmond, OK 73034, USA
Sunday 8:14 AM
Series Them: Bridges
Making Jesus Connections
Jesus was a bridge builder. He dwelt among us and died for us to bridge the unreachable gap between sinful people and a holy God. Jesus constantly stepped in the middle of chaos and conflict to make meaningful connections with people. With so much division in our world, we have a unique opportunity to reflect the heart of Jesus by building bridges.
Making Jesus Connections
Jesus was a bridge builder. He dwelt among us and died for us to bridge the unreachable gap between sinful people and a holy God. Jesus constantly stepped in the middle of chaos and conflict to make meaningful connections with people. With so much division in our world, we have a unique opportunity to reflect the heart of Jesus by building bridges.
Link to more resources
Link to more study resources. A blog where I post updated information and extra resources to supplement the study. Including videos, more questions, links, etc.
https://kevinskomment.blogspot.com/2020/07/romans-1410-23-law-of-love.html "Pits and Peaks" of Life
What happened last week for which you are thankful?
What challenges do you see in your life? Family? World?
How did you apply, share and followup from our last meeting?
What happened last week for which you are thankful?
What challenges do you see in your life? Family? World?
How did you apply, share and followup from our last meeting?
Romans 14:13-23
Romans 14:13-23
Re-Read the scripture above in an easy to read version
Re-tell in your own words.
Consider The Details
Application Summary: Change begins with me. I need to be the change I want to see.
Re-tell in your own words.
Consider The Details
Application Summary: Change begins with me. I need to be the change I want to see.
He is...
What do we learn about God in the text?
We are ...
What do we learn about people after reading?
I will ...
What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you in this passage? How will you apply it to your life this week?
You can ...
Who do you know who needs to hear this?
How can we help with a challenge you're facing?
What do we learn about God in the text?
We are ...
What do we learn about people after reading?
I will ...
What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you in this passage? How will you apply it to your life this week?
You can ...
Who do you know who needs to hear this?
How can we help with a challenge you're facing?
Special appreciation to finalcommand.com
If you would like to join an informal group, please contact either of us at
If you would like to join an informal group, please contact either of us at
Sunday Sermon Series
For Videos of lessons in the series.
https://www.youtube.com/c/edmondchurchofchristGiving Link
We invite you to participate with us in making a difference in other's lives through caring and service.