Folks Listen TV Broadcast
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  • Folks Listen TV Broadcast
    Sunday 5:00 AM

E-Free Church

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Esther 5:1
Now it came about on the third day = 3rd day of fasting; She first prepared herself through fasting and prayer (Proverbs 21:10) [We should never confront w/o adequate prayerful preparation]

The king is sitting on his palace; Esther, without being summoned, goes before the king

Esther 5:2-3

Esther is received by the King who raises his golden scepter toward her and gives her the opportunity for any request

Esther 5:4

Her first words are words of respect…if it pleases the king (prayerful preparation is seeking wisdom on WHAT to say but HOW to say it)

She doesn’t start by accusing but rather inviting the king/Haman to dinner (along with seeking God’s wisdom on WHAT to say and HOW to say it, but also seeking God’s wisdom on WHEN to say it)
Esther 5:5-8

The king and Haman attend the banquet at which the king again asks her for any request up to half of his kingdom (an idiom); Esther asks that the king and Haman come to a second banquet the next day at which she promises to make her request

Esther 5:9

Haman’s elation at dining with the king and queen was stifled as he passed Mordecai who again refused to bow resulting in anger

Haman had a shadow mission which his self-identity was dependent on and that was to be honored by others

What is your shadow mission? What is it that you look to for self-worth and if you don’t get it, it affects your view of life?

Shadow missions are a dead end street. If we achieve it the result is pride; it we do not achieve it, the result is depression

As Christians, our identity is not something we achieve but rather something we receive by faith in who we are in Christ

Esther 5:10-13
Haman tells his wife and friends of his joy and despair

Esther 5:14

Haman is advised to have Mordecai Haman executed the next day and has the gallows built 75 ft high – palace was 30 ft (When someone gets in the way of our shadow mission we become filled with bitterness and want their punishment done publicly)
Esther 6:1-3

On the night that Haman has decided to ask the next day for the death of Mordecai, the king suffers from a divine case of insomnia

The king asks for the books recording the history of his kingdom to be read and the reader happens to read the account from when Mordecai exposed the assassination plot against the king and the king realizes that no reward was ever given to Mordecai for this (Hebrews 6:10)

Esther 6:4-6

The king needs advice and asks which advisor is in the court? At this exact moment Haman arrives to request the death of Mordecai; Without mentioning who, the king asks Haman what he should do to honor a person. Haman thinks that it was he that the king wanted to honor

Esther 6:7-9

Haman suggests that royal treatment be given to this individual (put a royal robe on him; put him on the king’s horse; lead him thru streets)
Esther 6:10

The king orders Haman to do just that for Mordecai
Don’t question the providence of God, always assume it
Faith is trusting the providence of God before we can see it

Esther 6:11

Instead of hanging Mordecai, Haman leads him through the streets on the king’s horse, wearing the king’s crown and royal robe

Esther 6:12-14

Mordecai returns to the gate while Haman goes home mourning where his wife and advisors prophesy that Mordecai would end up destroying Haman rather than Haman destroying Mordecai

While they are speaking, Haman is called to the second banquet

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