Plantation SDA Church
Stop Being Afraid of Surgery!
Welcome! Our Speaker today is Pastor Joseph Salajan
Locations & Times
Plantation SDA Church
400 NW 118th Ave, Plantation, FL 33325, USA
Saturday 9:00 AM
Saturday 11:30 AM
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Pastor Joseph Salajan Bio
Give Online to Plantation SDA Church
The Apostle John was exiled on the island of Patmos, a prison-island where the inmates were forced to work in quarries. One Sabbath (on the Lord’s day) as He is meditating… he hears a voice like a trumpet. He turned around (Revelation 1:13)
In the Old Testament, the robe reaching down to the feet (poderes) was used as priestly and kingly garments. In what capacity does the resurrected, exalted Jesus appear here? He’s walking among 7 lamp-stands (symbolizing the 7 churches). What is he: priest or king…?
The message is powerful! No matter how difficult, how dark history may seem, I am here; the light of My church will not die out! I am refilling the lamps!You are the light of the world…
But there is more about Him:
His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow… In Daniel 7 the Ancient of Days – God – is described as a judge with white hear…
In the ancient world (+Bible), white hair symbolized wisdom and dignity, which come with age…In Jewish tradition, God goes out to war as a young man with black hair, however, when He and his hair is white…
His eyes like a flame of fire…He can really see! To each of the 7 churches, Jesus says: I know/He knows us (He reads us…) and he tells us what we need to hear! Each of the 7 churches receives a customized message… but at the end of each, he repeats: He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches… (Rev. 2:7).
Jesus Christ is not only priest (administers grace); He is also judge (pursues truth)!
Judgment is more than condemnation or execution! Jesus is not in the condemnation business; He is in the business of sorting things out! This is the meaning of judgment: to discern, to separate! His light and the sword of His mouth separate things…
That’s exactly what happens with the wicked: the execution of divine judgment is nothing but the validation of our self-judgment. Paul says it this way:But if we judged ourselves rightly, we should not be judged
(1 Cor. 11:31 NAS).
When I put together the two images, Jesus the priest and judge… the it gives me the picture of Jesus the surgeon He knows exactly what and how to cut… He makes no mistakes - unlike surgeons that cut off the wrong body parts…
Surgery requires light to examine and sort out the tumor and a scalpel to extirpate… I use tumor for sin/sinful acts/behaviors. Yes, the word of God, if allowed, can perform surgery on you and clean you. But Jesus wants you to remain in his light, under His observation, because our sinful nature needs to be under permanent observation…
When John saw the exalted, resurrected Jesus, he fell at His feet as dead… Jesus touched Him with His right hand and told him: Stop being afraid! I’m not about death, I’m about life!Surgery is needed for life! The only way to survive is surgery!
Tithe Receipts
You can save the church significant money by picking up your copy or requesting it via email from
Ministry of Giving
Offering Month to Date: $13,978.14
2017 Offering Surplus (Deficit): $(1,435.11)
Service Order and Participants
Welcome: Fabienne Desir
Children’s Story: Elizabeth and Jeminmah Desir
Pastor's Corner:
Ministry in Action: Women’s Ministry
Offering Call: Rupert Brown
Praise And Adoration: Praise Team & Congregation
Intercessory Prayer: Rupert Brown
Sermon: Pastor Joseph Salajan
Praise And Adoration: Praise Team & Congregation
Dedication in Song: Congregation
Benediction: Pastor Joseph Salajan
Afterglow: Praise Team & Congregation
Kadeen Thomas
Visual Arts/ProPresenter
Bryanna Callwood
Bass Guitar
Tom Ribero
Joshua Callwood
Anda Moldovan
Praise Leader
Ahkeem Darden
Subrina Callwood
Keka Knight
Vanessa Anderson
Wydnyr Richardson
Olivia Smith
Swelenn Gomez
Dane Hurst
Jennifer Cheddar
Sunset Information
Next Friday:6:05 PM
Praise and Worship Songs
• All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name
• You're Worthy Of My Praise
• I Need You God
• Trust in You - Anthony Brown
• God He Reigns / All I Need Is You Lord
• Lord I Need You
• Days Of Elijah
Need someone to pray for/with you?
Send your request to
Online Calendar
Add Plantation to Your Calendar!
Upcoming Events
Jan 27 – Children’s Church
Jan 28 – SAS Multicultural Day
Feb 3 - AY & Bible Study – 4:30pm
Feb 11 – Elder’s Meeting
Feb 11 – Mission Council Meeting
Feb 13 – Church Board Meeting
Feb 14 – Valentine’s Day
Feb 15 – SAS Science Fair
Feb 17 – Baptisms
Feb 17 - AY & Bible Study – 4:30pm
Feb 17 – Children’s Church in the Park
Feb 18 – Monthly Prayer Session
Men’s Prayer session

Rebuild to Restore Hurricane Relief
Hurricane Relief Drive
Sabbath Afternoon Bible Study
This Sabbath, our study will resume with Genesis 32:1

Monthly Prayer Summit
Monthly Prayer Summit
Social Media
We look forward to interacting with you.
25th Anniversary of the Florida Men’s Convention
Where: March 9-11, 2018 at Camp Kulaqua
Own a Business? Let Everyone Know About It
If you own or run your own business, please let other church members know what goods and/or services you provide. Email with these details:
Business Name:
Phone #(s):
Service(s) provided:
Hours of Operation:
Address (if available):
Email (if available):
Web site (if available):
Social Media links (if available):
Fax # (if available)
Logo (if available)
Help Needed! Parking Ministry
contact Mozart Porcena or Michael Adden
MERGE: Young Adult Ministry
Plantation’s Young Adult Ministry meets Saturdays at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
For questions or more information email us at
call Nikita Marseille
You can also download Celly app:
and look us up
Important Tax Announcement
We have several families with the same last name, so if you want to have an accurate tithe report at the end of the year, please be specific regarding your name and address.
If we can't read your name or you don't give us an address, unfortunately, we can't provide you with a tax receipt.
Interested in Bible Study?
Also, please come to the Baptismal Study Group at 10:40 on Sabbath morning and say hello!
Hope Ministry Needs You!
But to continue to make this impact, we need
• Monetary donations
• Goods such toothbrushes, tooth-paste, and soap.
Please contact Jesse Guillaime at
and visit
to learn more about this ministry
Sick and Shut-ins
• Paul Van Putten Sr
• Mary Kopp
• Jeremy Gayle is home after bicycle accident. His dad is Franz Gayle, father
• Marvel Jones –
Hope Ministry Mission Trip
Haiti on March 25-28, 2018 to visit the children’s orphanage, Le Jardin d’Eden.
We are looking for:
• Sponsors for the trip
• Donated items such as children’s clothing ranging from ages 6 months to 2 years
• Supplies such as gloves for medical personnel.
Please see Jessie for details on how you can help.
Plantation Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs
Jan 19-21 – SA Friends/Companion/Explorer Reveille @Fisheating Creek
Jan 27 – Area Council Meeting (Directors)
Feb 3 – Staff Meeting
Feb 4 – Club Meeting & Drum Practice
Feb 10 – Rangers Canoe Trip
Feb 11 – Drum Practice ONLY
Feb 18 – Club Field Trip
Feb 24 – Pathfinder Sabbath
Feb 25 – Club Meeting & Drum Practice
Pathfinders: Peta Ann Anderson
Adventurers: Dawn Williams
Email address:
Religious Liberty: Legal Problems on the job or at school?
Is your employer refusing to give you Sabbath off?
Is your school requiring you to take a test on Sabbath?
If so, we can help! please email
to understand your legal options and/or get some help.
Please don’t quit your job before talking with us.
Looking for a job?
Does your business need employees?
If so, contact Jonathan Williams at
Brother's Keeper's Jobs is a jobs registry that helps match those in need of employement with those looking to employ workers.
Baby Dedication
January 20, 2017
For information regarding our next baby dedication, please contact Joie at the church office:
Florida Conference jobs
to see if you meet the job requirements for the open positions.
We're Building a Social Media Team
Do you enjoy interacting with people?
If so, please contact
We want to ensure that our live stream viewers feel welcomed and part of the family. We need team members who are able to:
• Answer questions from our viewers
• Pray with viewers
• Report audio/video issues that viewers are experiencing to the media team
Adventist Book Center Express Delivery
Joining the Plantation Family
Please fill out a membership application/transfer form, located in the literature rack in the church foyer. Then place it in the Church Clerk’s mailbox located in the Ministries Office.
Contact our Church Clerk, Melissa Mangual at
or the church office at
for more information and the status of your transfer request. The average time for transfers to take place is:
Domestic – 3 months;
International – 4 to 5 months.
ABC Express Delivery in Lauderhill
Sunrise SDA Church
6800 West Oakland Park Blvd,
Lauderhill, FL 33313
from 5:00 pm to 5:30 PM.
Please place your orders BEFORE 12PM EST on Thursday, February 1, 2018
Children’s Baptismal Classes
Contact Alex Grahama to get more information.
Volunteers Needed
• Usher Ministry
• Deacon and Deaconess Ministries
• Worship Coordinators
• Children’s Sabbath School
• Pathfinders
• Parking Ministry
• People willing to do the welcome
• Children’s Story
• Offering Call
• Maintenance workers
• Family Life Ministry leader
• Visual Arts Media
• Media Ministry
• Social Media Ministry
Please contact the church office
if you are interested in helping with any of these positions.
Children's Ministry
Church Office Hours
9:30 AM to 2:00PM Monday - Friday.
Please leave a voicemail or email message during all other hours.
Phone: 954-473-4991
Children's Choir
Deacon of the Day
Nurse on Call
Planned Giving
Have you created an estate and legacy plan for you and your family’s future? Creating it is easy and free for members of the Florida Conference through the Florida Conference Association Development and Planned Giving Department.
Phone: 407-644- 5000, ext. 2241
Requesting an announcement for the bulletin/Youversion