CrossWay Church

January 28, 2018: More of God's Laws
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Exodus 22:18ff (Pg 62/121) The Life God Desires
I) Love God: He should be his people's _______ priority.
A) They must not worship other __________________.
The question is not whether you will worship, but rather what you will worship— your glorious Creator or something he created.
- Paul David Tripp
New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional for November 25
What things do you value most in your life? What things clamor for your attention?
B) They must honor God with their _____________________.
Modern offerings include tithes, time and talents.
What things do you invest your time, talents and money in?
II) Love ________________
A) God’s people should __________ for others.
1) They should specially look after the needs of the poor
and ______________.
Who are the poor and vulnerable in your circle? What could you do to help them?
2) They should show compassion and respect to their ____________.
Who do you feel animosity toward? What can you do to show them more compassion and respect?
B) God's people should promote __________ and justice.
III) God knew we could _________ live up to these standards that is why he sent Christ as our Savior.
(Romans 3:20-25 & Galatians 3:23-25)
I) Love God: He should be his people's _______ priority.
A) They must not worship other __________________.
The question is not whether you will worship, but rather what you will worship— your glorious Creator or something he created.
- Paul David Tripp
New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional for November 25
What things do you value most in your life? What things clamor for your attention?
B) They must honor God with their _____________________.
Modern offerings include tithes, time and talents.
What things do you invest your time, talents and money in?
II) Love ________________
A) God’s people should __________ for others.
1) They should specially look after the needs of the poor
and ______________.
Who are the poor and vulnerable in your circle? What could you do to help them?
2) They should show compassion and respect to their ____________.
Who do you feel animosity toward? What can you do to show them more compassion and respect?
B) God's people should promote __________ and justice.
III) God knew we could _________ live up to these standards that is why he sent Christ as our Savior.
(Romans 3:20-25 & Galatians 3:23-25)