Lifepoint Church
The Girdle Hurdle
Jesus gives us a next step to loving each other well.
Locations & Times
Lifepoint Lewis Center
7719 Graphics Way, Lewis Center, OH 43035, USA
Saturday 8:00 PM
You cannot follow by standing still
Authentic Community means we are designed for connection rather than isolation
Jesus had the “team” plan
Three crowds that Jesus engaged:
1. Mercenaries
1. Mercenaries
Three crowds that Jesus engaged:
1. Mercenaries
2. Monks
1. Mercenaries
2. Monks
Three crowds that Jesus engaged:
1. Mercenaries
2. Monks
3. Medians
1. Mercenaries
2. Monks
3. Medians
There’s no healing in hiding
You can become that “somebody” to somebody