CrossWay Church
January 7, 2018: Good and Bad Fear
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Exodus 20:18-21 (Pg 60/117) Good & Bad Fear
I) God ________________ himself to the people of Israel so they would trust Moses and follow Him.
A) The ___________________ phenomena marked God’s arrival at the mountain.
B) The people of Israel heard God’s _____________.
C) Seeing the grandness and holiness of God made the people ____________.
II) Sinners have reason to be _____________ of being in a holy God’s presence without a mediator.
When we say that God is holy we mean that, his character is unimpeachable. He cannot be charged with any wrong.
A) Sinners deserve God’s __________________ for their sin.
B) The Israelites asked Moses to be their ______________.
C) Jesus Christ is the ____________ mediator the people longed for.
His death atoned for our sin so we can have a relationship with God.
D) How do we apply this passage to our life today?
1) We need to have faith in _____________ our mediator.
2) We need to have a _______ view of God’s holiness and majesty.
3) We need to be more honest about the ____________ of our sin.
4) Faith in Christ means we no longer need to be ___________ of coming into God’s presence.
Which of these areas do you struggle with the most?
III) A healthy _____________ of God should motivate us to sin less.
A) The wrong kind of fear will drive us ____________ from God.
B) The right kind of fear (reverence) will draw us _______________ to Christ and make us want to please him more!
Which kind of fear is more prevalent in your life?