Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
II Peter 1:8-15
These Things
1. 8 Callings…Purposes In Life (1:3) divine power…everything we will ever need that
pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge (knowing Christ by experience) of Jesus
2. These things become mine as I surrender to Him and draw from His power. Make it
3. II Peter 1:8-15 gives us an understanding as to how vital These Things are:
What is missing in your Christian life? These things are indicators of His power.
I. RELATE ‘These Things’ 1:8-11
A. The Dynamics of ‘These Things’ 8
1. The Reality If these things be in you and abound
*They move us from Religion to Reality…In you. These things move
Christianity from your head to your heart. They move us from theology and
doctrine to your daily life.
*Abound is to grow like weeds or overflow like a river at flood stage.
2. The Reservoir Neither be barren or unfruitful…
3. The Relationship (2, 3, 8 epignosis): a real personal knowledge. It is a
knowledge gained through experience.
*They move from Religion to Relationship In the knowledge of our Lord Jesus
*As I grow in these things there is more of Him and less of me. Jesus becomes
more real! The result will be never barren or unfruitful.
B. The Deficiency of ‘These Things’ 9
But he that lacks these things Lit. to whom these are not present. It is not an
indication that you are lost (it may be). It is an indication that you have stopped
growing. These things are indicators.
1.Blind…You can’t see at all. You cannot see the spiritual truth of these things.
2.Nearsighted the Greek word is muopazov from which we get the word myopia. You lose your long distance vision. Everything is here and now. You lose sight of eternity and an eternal perspective.
3.Hath forgotten he was purged from his old sins…which shows that Peter is speaking to believers. My sins are gone. I am clean. Guilt and condemnation return. I live by my old identity: “Addiction is not my identity!”
C. The Duty of ‘These Things’ 10-11
1. The Responsibility 10 If you do these things
*It is our responsibility to make it intentional. It is our responsibility to adjust
our lives, to yield to the Holy Spirit, and to know Jesus Christ by experience.
*You will determine on what level you live your spiritual life by the choices you
2. The Reward 11 An abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom…
*Put your thumb and index finger ¼ inch apart: during your life time you will
determine where and how you will spend eternity.
*How I live now shines into eternity. It is rewards not salvation that Peter has in
What is missing in your Christian life? These things are indicators of His power.
II. REMEMBER ‘These Things’ 12-15
Peter uses the word remember three times in four verses. These things need to be before
A. Truth Intentional 12
Wherefore or therefore is the abundant entrance.
1.His Determination I will always be ready to put you in remembrance of these things.
*This was part of Peter’s teaching curriculum.
*You can’t. He must and He will. You can’t live the Christian life in your own
strength. It’s all by His grace as a gift. His divine power is available!
2. His Distraction You know them and are established in them.
*It is easy to forget the basics…Religion Replaces Relationship!
*It is easy to walk in our strength and not His. It is easy to quit bringing God into
every aspect of our lives.
*The grace message never grows old, but it is easily forgotten!
B. Truth Irritated 13
1. His Destiny Think it fitting…as long as I am in this tent…
*Think it fitting…Peter felt this was his solemn assignment.
*As long as I am in this tent… (II Cor. 5:1-4) Tabernacle is a description of his
earthly body.
**It is not a permanent dwelling. Our body is a tent that will be folded up.
**Our stakes can go deep. We forget we are on an assignment.
*Peter made these 8 Callings paramount!
2. His Duty To stir up by putting you in remembrance
*Stir up is used of a chicken in her nest…to arouse them to action and stir them
to action.
*We need stirred up…shaken out of our lethargy…moved out of our comfort
zone. It’s not all about you. It’s all about Him!
C. Truth Internalized 14-15
1. His Departure 14 Nero died in 68 a.d. Peter died during the ‘Nero persecutions.’
It is told that he requested to be crucified upside down because he was not worthy
to be crucified in the same manner as his Lord.
*Knowing that I must shortly put off my tent.
*”I won’t always be with you.” Death has a way of putting living into focus.
*Christians tend to be ‘now’ people. Someday it will be too late!
*As the Lord has shown me (John 21:18, 19) Jesus hinted that his death would be
swift, sharp and soon.
*It’s appointed unto man once to die…What’s important? What has worth and
value? We spend much of our time on that which really won’t last or doesn’t
2.His Desire 15
*These things…that you may have it as your own.
*He wants them to Have these things always before you. As one would cue cards to know what to say next. These things to become part of you.
*Peter wants these truths to become internalized! For these things not merely be in their possession, but to possess them!
*Jesus living in them and through them would become a reality!
What Is Missing In Your Christian Life?
“These Things”
All things that pertain to life and godliness are mine by His divine power and through the knowledge of Him.
I need to bring Him into every area of my life!
These Things
1. 8 Callings…Purposes In Life (1:3) divine power…everything we will ever need that
pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge (knowing Christ by experience) of Jesus
2. These things become mine as I surrender to Him and draw from His power. Make it
3. II Peter 1:8-15 gives us an understanding as to how vital These Things are:
What is missing in your Christian life? These things are indicators of His power.
I. RELATE ‘These Things’ 1:8-11
A. The Dynamics of ‘These Things’ 8
1. The Reality If these things be in you and abound
*They move us from Religion to Reality…In you. These things move
Christianity from your head to your heart. They move us from theology and
doctrine to your daily life.
*Abound is to grow like weeds or overflow like a river at flood stage.
2. The Reservoir Neither be barren or unfruitful…
3. The Relationship (2, 3, 8 epignosis): a real personal knowledge. It is a
knowledge gained through experience.
*They move from Religion to Relationship In the knowledge of our Lord Jesus
*As I grow in these things there is more of Him and less of me. Jesus becomes
more real! The result will be never barren or unfruitful.
B. The Deficiency of ‘These Things’ 9
But he that lacks these things Lit. to whom these are not present. It is not an
indication that you are lost (it may be). It is an indication that you have stopped
growing. These things are indicators.
1.Blind…You can’t see at all. You cannot see the spiritual truth of these things.
2.Nearsighted the Greek word is muopazov from which we get the word myopia. You lose your long distance vision. Everything is here and now. You lose sight of eternity and an eternal perspective.
3.Hath forgotten he was purged from his old sins…which shows that Peter is speaking to believers. My sins are gone. I am clean. Guilt and condemnation return. I live by my old identity: “Addiction is not my identity!”
C. The Duty of ‘These Things’ 10-11
1. The Responsibility 10 If you do these things
*It is our responsibility to make it intentional. It is our responsibility to adjust
our lives, to yield to the Holy Spirit, and to know Jesus Christ by experience.
*You will determine on what level you live your spiritual life by the choices you
2. The Reward 11 An abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom…
*Put your thumb and index finger ¼ inch apart: during your life time you will
determine where and how you will spend eternity.
*How I live now shines into eternity. It is rewards not salvation that Peter has in
What is missing in your Christian life? These things are indicators of His power.
II. REMEMBER ‘These Things’ 12-15
Peter uses the word remember three times in four verses. These things need to be before
A. Truth Intentional 12
Wherefore or therefore is the abundant entrance.
1.His Determination I will always be ready to put you in remembrance of these things.
*This was part of Peter’s teaching curriculum.
*You can’t. He must and He will. You can’t live the Christian life in your own
strength. It’s all by His grace as a gift. His divine power is available!
2. His Distraction You know them and are established in them.
*It is easy to forget the basics…Religion Replaces Relationship!
*It is easy to walk in our strength and not His. It is easy to quit bringing God into
every aspect of our lives.
*The grace message never grows old, but it is easily forgotten!
B. Truth Irritated 13
1. His Destiny Think it fitting…as long as I am in this tent…
*Think it fitting…Peter felt this was his solemn assignment.
*As long as I am in this tent… (II Cor. 5:1-4) Tabernacle is a description of his
earthly body.
**It is not a permanent dwelling. Our body is a tent that will be folded up.
**Our stakes can go deep. We forget we are on an assignment.
*Peter made these 8 Callings paramount!
2. His Duty To stir up by putting you in remembrance
*Stir up is used of a chicken in her nest…to arouse them to action and stir them
to action.
*We need stirred up…shaken out of our lethargy…moved out of our comfort
zone. It’s not all about you. It’s all about Him!
C. Truth Internalized 14-15
1. His Departure 14 Nero died in 68 a.d. Peter died during the ‘Nero persecutions.’
It is told that he requested to be crucified upside down because he was not worthy
to be crucified in the same manner as his Lord.
*Knowing that I must shortly put off my tent.
*”I won’t always be with you.” Death has a way of putting living into focus.
*Christians tend to be ‘now’ people. Someday it will be too late!
*As the Lord has shown me (John 21:18, 19) Jesus hinted that his death would be
swift, sharp and soon.
*It’s appointed unto man once to die…What’s important? What has worth and
value? We spend much of our time on that which really won’t last or doesn’t
2.His Desire 15
*These things…that you may have it as your own.
*He wants them to Have these things always before you. As one would cue cards to know what to say next. These things to become part of you.
*Peter wants these truths to become internalized! For these things not merely be in their possession, but to possess them!
*Jesus living in them and through them would become a reality!
What Is Missing In Your Christian Life?
“These Things”
All things that pertain to life and godliness are mine by His divine power and through the knowledge of Him.
I need to bring Him into every area of my life!

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