Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene

The Hope of Holiness, Part 2
This week, we continue our "Hope of Holiness" series in Romans 8:2-4. Thanks for tuning in!
Locations & Times
Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg
1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
This week at HFCN
1.30 Days of Prayer and Fasting- More
details to come on how we as a church will engage together
in seeking and hearing from the Lord this September!
2.Outdoor service- Outdoor services on Sundays at 9:00 will continue until further notice! Bring your own chair OR feel free to stay in your vehicle and listen via FM radio (97.9FM). We will continue to ensure that proper social distancing is taking place. On September 13 both indoor AND outdoor services will be offered. We'll continue to talk more about this in the coming
weeks. Our online services will remain at 9 & 10:30am.
*We will continue to offer an indoor worship option on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm (doors will open at 7:15pm). Masks and social distancing will be required. If you are not willing to wear a mask, we ask that you join us for an outdoor or online service on Sunday morning.
3. Life Groups- Fall Life Group registrations are happening! Sign up + connect here: abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/groups
4. East Rock- There are multiple East Rock Campus events coming up! Click here to check out what's happening: https://www.abeaconofhope.org/eastrock/
5. Baptism- If you have made a decision for Christ and have never
been baptized, we would love to help you take that next step!
Text nextstepshope to 94000 and we'll be in touch!
6. 6th Graders- If you are a new 6th grader or the parent of a new 6th grader, 3D Student Ministries would love to connect with you! New
student orientation, Friday August 28th 7pm. RSVP at acharette@abeaconofhope.org
Check out our Church Center app to register for Events, stay connected to your Life Group, and manage your Giving. You can also use the app to check-in on Sunday mornings:
details to come on how we as a church will engage together
in seeking and hearing from the Lord this September!
2.Outdoor service- Outdoor services on Sundays at 9:00 will continue until further notice! Bring your own chair OR feel free to stay in your vehicle and listen via FM radio (97.9FM). We will continue to ensure that proper social distancing is taking place. On September 13 both indoor AND outdoor services will be offered. We'll continue to talk more about this in the coming
weeks. Our online services will remain at 9 & 10:30am.
*We will continue to offer an indoor worship option on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm (doors will open at 7:15pm). Masks and social distancing will be required. If you are not willing to wear a mask, we ask that you join us for an outdoor or online service on Sunday morning.
3. Life Groups- Fall Life Group registrations are happening! Sign up + connect here: abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/groups
4. East Rock- There are multiple East Rock Campus events coming up! Click here to check out what's happening: https://www.abeaconofhope.org/eastrock/
5. Baptism- If you have made a decision for Christ and have never
been baptized, we would love to help you take that next step!
Text nextstepshope to 94000 and we'll be in touch!
6. 6th Graders- If you are a new 6th grader or the parent of a new 6th grader, 3D Student Ministries would love to connect with you! New
student orientation, Friday August 28th 7pm. RSVP at acharette@abeaconofhope.org
Check out our Church Center app to register for Events, stay connected to your Life Group, and manage your Giving. You can also use the app to check-in on Sunday mornings:
Today we focus on verses 2-4:
2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
We are introduced to a couplet - two “laws”
-“The law of sin and death.” The Law of Moses. The Jewish Law. The Ten Commandments. The 613 rules, regulations, and practices in the Old Testament - The Rule Book.
-“The law of the Spirit who gives life.” A gift of freedom THROUGH CHRIST JESUS
-“The law of sin and death.” The Law of Moses. The Jewish Law. The Ten Commandments. The 613 rules, regulations, and practices in the Old Testament - The Rule Book.
-“The law of the Spirit who gives life.” A gift of freedom THROUGH CHRIST JESUS
But, why does Paul make this distinction? Isn’t it obvious?
Do you know this "gospel of the rule followers" is alive and well today.
-Doing is what leads to SAVING
-You don’t need Jesus, you just need morals
-Do what’s right, and Heaven is yours
Do you know this "gospel of the rule followers" is alive and well today.
-Doing is what leads to SAVING
-You don’t need Jesus, you just need morals
-Do what’s right, and Heaven is yours
As you listen, think about the times when you judge yourself, and believe God determines your merit by your works.
What does it look like when you think you can or should earn your way into God’s acceptance?
What does it look like when you think you can or should earn your way into God’s acceptance?
Reading Romans 7 and 8 together paints a picture of the two “laws” at work. In Romans 7 “the law” and its synonyms are mentioned 31 times and the Spirit only once. But in Romans 8 The Spirit is referred to 19 times by name.
3 For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin (katakrinō- He sentenced sin to death) in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
-The state of sin and death is not because of the law. It is because of US.
-People wouldn’t obey- from what felt like our very first moments on earth in that garden. And once that was evident, the Law couldn’t save us.
-The state of sin and death is not because of the law. It is because of US.
-People wouldn’t obey- from what felt like our very first moments on earth in that garden. And once that was evident, the Law couldn’t save us.
"The law is the light that reveals how dirty the room is, not the broom that sweeps it clean."
But: What we couldn’t do. JESUS DID.
But why? Ever thought about why it was like this?
-Why Adam and Eve only had to obey one rule and they were offered paradise? Yet they couldn’t even obey that simple command?
-Why through hundreds and hundreds of pages of the Old Testament we read about people promising great things. And then turning their backs on God?
-Why our lives have proven over and over again that we don’t have it in us?
-Why Adam and Eve only had to obey one rule and they were offered paradise? Yet they couldn’t even obey that simple command?
-Why through hundreds and hundreds of pages of the Old Testament we read about people promising great things. And then turning their backs on God?
-Why our lives have proven over and over again that we don’t have it in us?
Perhaps one reason is so that we will never forget Him. That we will always remember, moment by moment, the breadth and depth of what Jesus did for us.
So we would ALWAYS remember Him.
Do you remember?
So we would ALWAYS remember Him.
Do you remember?
Supplemental texts:
Read Romans 7 and 8 back to back in one sitting, thinking about “the law of sin and death” as over against “the law of the Spirit who gives life."
Giving at HFCN
If you have ever have questions or need help with online giving, please let us know. finance@abeaconofhope.org Thank you for your partnership in the Kingdom of Christ!